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PAGE PAGE 9 一.对教授评头论足的语言、语料 A 先礼后兵 颂扬教授讲课 1 hear a pin drop (考过) 能听到针落地之声音——言外之意为课程引人入神 2 You wouldn’t need a cup of coffee 表示教授讲课提神 引人入胜 有魅力 小词多用 care for a drink? 喝一杯吗? Care for a bite? 一起吃饭吗? A refill? 再续一杯吗? 3 One in a million 百万里挑一的 言外之意为outstanding extraordinary 极其优秀的 4 His name ring a bell (考过)言外之意为很熟悉 5 Killed everyone 征服所有人(《真假总统》用过) 6 brought the house down 博得满堂彩 7 no body skip /cut / drop his class skip the class逃课 we wouldn’t miss it for anything (考过)不会为其他任何事而错过这个 言外之意指一定不错过 set your clock (考过)你可以对表 you can set your clock by the time the professor begin the class B 批判教授讲课 ——渲泻一下不满情绪 1. above my head= understanding = beyond my head 超出理解能力 2. It is all Greeks to me (考过) 言外之意 听不懂 全是希腊语 天方夜谭 3. the more he talks, the less I could understand 越听越是一头雾水 4. Drop out 退课 (考过) 5. sleepy fell asleep 不喜欢 (考过) 6 absent minded 心不在蔫 或没意思 讲的不好 (考过) 7 Beat around the bush (考过) 讲话不着边际 8 I can only catch one word or two (考过) 听不懂 C 教授表现评论 1 talk to a brick wall (考过) 对墙讲话 = 对牛弹琴 言外之意为学生没反应 get rid of \ get over the bad mood (考过) 会很快克服坏心情 3 tight-lipped 守口如瓶 二. 吃饭、付账、请客等日常英语和考试融会贯通 A 吃饭场景 1 I can not have another bite (考过) 一口也吃不下了 拒绝再吃的用语 言外之意为吃撑了 评论吃饱 Full 饱了 和英美人士吃饭时,他们喜欢说” I am full ” 吃饱了 stuffed 饱了 could burst 撑死 stretch things 再吃就被撑起来 饥饿 2 Starving to death = famished 饿死了 could eat a cow 饿的能吃下一头牛 虚拟、夸张的讲法 付账 3 Go Dutch = spilt the bill = share the bill = pay each own way 各付各的 lets go Dutch (考过) 言外之意 指各付自己的账 lets split the bill 撕开账单 指各付自己的账 lets share the bill 分享、分担账单 lets pay our each own way 让我们各付各的 If you don’t mind we go Dutch, I will accept your invitation My turn to treat ——it is my turn to treat you 三.同意的老手法 变项同意的新花样 ——考试,生活、影视都在用的鲜活语言 同意 1 I can not com


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