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《新概念英语》(新版)是《新概念英语》1967 年首次出版以来第一次 推出的新版本。现在,由该经典教材的出版者外语教学与研究出版社和 培生教育出版中国有限公司独家授权、由原编著者何其莘教授亲自主持 编写、亚历山大先生充任顾问的这套《新概念英语》(新版)辅导丛书 涵盖自学导读、练习详解、词汇、语法以及录音练习等各方面的内容, 是面向中国广大英语爱好者的一套权威的辅导用书,定能满足中国广大 读者对《新概念英语》(新版)的全方位的要求,并使英语爱好者在学 习过程中最大限度地发挥自己的潜能。 《新概念英语》(新版)辅导丛书包括: 《新概念英语自学导读 1》(NCE Study Guide 1 :First Things First) 《新概念英语自学导读 2 》(NCE Study Guide 2 :Practice and Progress) 《新概念英语自学导读 3》(NCE Study 3 :Developing Skills ) 《新概念英语自学导读 4》(NCE Study Guide 4 :Fluency in English) 《新概念英语练习详解1》(NCE Exercise Companion1 :First Things First) 《新概念英语练习详解 2》(NCE Exercise Companion 2 :Practice and Progress) 《新概念英语练习详解 3》(NCE Exercise Companion 3 :Developing Skills) 《新概念英语练习详解 4》(NCE Exercise Companion 4:Fluency in English) 《新概念英语语法手册》(An NCE Grammar Handbook) 《新概念英语词汇大全》(An NCE Complete Vocabulary List ) 《新概念英语词汇自学手册》(An NCE Pocket Dictionary ) 《新概念英语录音练习手册》(Recorded Drills for NCE) 前 言 该《自学导读》专为所有使用《英语初阶》的学习者而设计,特别适用 于自学者。 书中,针对144 篇课文中的每一篇均有进一步说明。其中包括: ·课文详注; ·语法:每课语法点详解; ·词汇学习; ·练习答案。 我们确信这些补充材料将使各种起点的学习者从中受益,并顺利学完本 课程。 L.G.亚历山大 Preface This Study Guide is intended for all students of First Things First, but particularly for those working on their own. Detailed notes are provided for each of the one hundred and forty four texts. These consist of: ·Further notes on the text ·Grammar in use: further notes on the grammatical points in each text ·Word study: further notes on the vocabulary ·Key to written exercises We believe that these additional notes will help students from all background to benefit from the course and to complete it successfully. Louis George Alexander Lessons 1~2 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.Excuse me 对不起


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