英语人教版五年级下册PEP 五下 Unit5 A Lets talk教学设计.doc

英语人教版五年级下册PEP 五下 Unit5 A Lets talk教学设计.doc

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PEP Book 5 Unit 5 Whose dog is it? A Let’s talk Let’s try 嵩明县嵩阳二小 张明秀 Ⅰ The teaching aims: 1. 能够正确听、说、朗读句子:The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours?Whose is it? It’s Zhang Peng’s.”等询问他人和表达物品归属的交际用语。 2. 能够正确听、说、认读单词mine, his , ours。 Ⅱ Key points Difficulties : 1. 能够在实际语境中交流运用句型“---Whose… is it? ---It’s mine/his.” 2. 名词性物主代词mine, his , ours在句子中的使用。 3. 区分有生命的名词所有格和无生命的名词所有格。 Ⅲ Teaching materials:CAI、cards Ⅳ The teaching procedures: StepⅠ: Warm-up revision Greetings and review words:my,your ,his ,her.our. 2. Let’s chant(Say and do together). Step Ⅱ: Presentation and practice 创设情境:Visit Louvre Museum,介绍评比机制,激发学生的学习兴趣 。运用句型“---Whose… is it? ---It’s mine/his.”学习单词his ,hers ,mine,ours。并总结名词性物主代词的规律。 紧接情境,学习无生命的名词所有格 eg: a picture of Beijing.同时学习句子: There is a picture of Shanghai, too. That picture of Beijing is beautiful. 拓展操练The picture of...is..句型。用情境School art show引出Let’s try,复习句型“Whose...are these?”并与上面单数句型对比。 Let’s try. Listen and check, then repeat. Find the green picture is John’s ,the blue picture is Mike’s. But I don’t know “Whose picture is yellow? 由问题引入Let’s talk。 (1)Listen and answer. (2)Listen and tick or cross. (3)Listen and repeat ,then read by yourself . (4)Imitate(模仿读). (5)Fill in the blanks.. StepⅢ: Consolidation and extension 1. Little voice actor(小小配音员) 2. Find the owners(找主人) ,make a new dialogue. Step Ⅳ.Summary 1.Go to the Louvre Museum and enjoy the famous art show.情感教育:艺术无国界,生活中要发现美,欣赏美,分享美。 2.What have you learnt today ? StepⅤ : Homework 1. Listen and recite the dialogue. 2. Read and make a new dialogue. Board writing: Unit 5 Whose dog is it? A Let’s talk Let’s try ---Whose ...is it? ---It’s... his... ---- his our... ---- ours my... ---- mine


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