初中英语人教版八年级上册8A_Unit 2 Period 2.ppt

初中英语人教版八年级上册8A_Unit 2 Period 2.ppt

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* * * 八年级上 Section A Period Two maybe least at least adv. 大概;或许;可能 adv. 最小;最少 adj. pron. 最小的;最少的 至少;不少于;起码 Words review 单击播放录音 Lead-in 你来比划我来猜 play a game 1. 两人为一组,一人比划一人猜。 2. 猜的同学要用How often do you _____ 提问。 3. 每组限时1分钟 (比划的同学不能发声) 例如: 踢足球 Student A (做动作) Student B: How often do you play football? ARE YOU READY? 做家务 看书 锻炼 购物 wash my clothes take a shower clean my room visit my uncle/grandmother surf the Internet (上网) go to the movies watch TV practice English A: How often do you …? B: I … once a week/ every day / twice a month/hardly ever / never / sometimes/… 游戏小结 objectives To learn to use “How often …?” and answer the question with some adverbs of frequency: always/ usually/ often/sometimes/hardly ever /never/ twice … To learn to use: What do you usually do on weekends? Complete the questions with do or does. Then match the questions and answers. 1. How often _____ he play soccer? 2. ____ you drink milk? 3. How often ____ they stay up late? 4. _____ Sue eat a healthy breakfast? 5. How often ____ you eat apples? 6. ____ your parents play sports? does Do do Does do Do 3a Note:主语为第三人称单数时,助动词用does; 主语为其他人称及第三人称复数时用do。 1. How often does he play soccer? 2. Do you drink milk? 3. How often do they stay up late? 4. Does Sue eat a healthy breakfast? 5. How often do you eat apples? 6. Do your parents play sports? c. He plays at least twice a week. f. Yes, I do. Every day. e. Never. They always go to bed early. a. Yes. She usually does. b. Hardly ever. I don’t like them. d. No, they don’t. They’re too busy. _________________________________ (how often/help with housework) Use the words given to write questions. Then ask and answer them with a partner. How often do you help with housework? 2._______________________________ (what/usually/do/weekends) What do you usually do on weekends? 3. __________________________________ (how often / best friend / exercise) How often does your best frie


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