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客 房 送 餐 菜 单 Room Service Menu 凉 菜 Cold Dishes 脱脂猪手 38元/份 Defatted pig feet 38 RMB yuan/portion 老醋花生米 16元/份 Peanuts marinated with vinegar 16 RMB yuan/portion 菜 根 香 18元/份 Mixed vegetable shreds 18 RMB yuan/portion 酥锅拼盘 24元/份 Local cold combo 24 RMB yuan/portion 水 果 盘 68元/盘、38元/盘 Mixed fruits 68 RMB yuan (large)/38 RMB yuan (medium) 热 菜 Hot Dishes 芹香海虾仁 88元/份 Crystal shrimps with minced celery 88 RMB yuan/portion 豉椒毛肚 48元/份 Beef strips with peppers black beans 48 RMB yuan/portion 杭椒牛柳 38元/份 Fried beef fillet with pepper 38 RMB yuan/portion 木耳桃仁 28元/份 Black fungus with walnut 28 RMB yuan/portion 蒜茸菜心 28元/份 Sautéed vegetable heart with garlic 28 RMB yuan/portion 苜 蓿 汤 38元/份 Tomato and egg soup with pork 38 RMB yuan/portion 面 食 Pastry 蛋 炒 饭 6元/碗 Fried rice with egg 6 RMB yuan/bowl 清 汤 面 6元/碗 Plain boiled noodles 6 RMB yuan/bowl 肉素水饺 3元/个 Dumplings with choices of vegetable, beef, mutton, or pork) 3 RMB yuan each



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