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         生态学杂志 第 15 卷 第 2 期 中国东北西部地区土壤盐渍化演变 及其防治的若干对策 王春裕 王汝镛 ( 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 1100 15) The Charnge of Sa l in ized So il and Som e Coun term ea sures by Ecology Con trol in the W estern . , ( Pla in area of the Northea stern Ch ina W ang Chunyu W ang R u ryong I ns titu te A pp lied E col ) ( ) ogy , A cad enm ia s in ica , S h eny ang , Ch ina , 1100 15 . Ch inese J ou rna l of E cology , 1996, 15 2 : 44- 48. 40 , , Fo r n ear ly year s so il sa lin izat ion situ ated in ar id lan d o f n atu ra l gra ss an d farm ing p a s to ra l zigzag in th e w e stern p la in area o f th e N o r th ea st Ch in a, h a s b een b ecom ing w o r se an d . 496 1950 60 1 w o r se It s area h a s gon e up from m illion h ectare in s to m illion h ectare in 1980 , 2 1 . . , s in crea sed by p ercen t So il p rodu ct iv ity h a s b een gen era ly dropp ed Co r re spon d ly eco top e o f sa lin e lan d h a s w o r sen ed. M a in w ay s o f eco logy con t ro l an d recon st ru ct ion are fo l low : ( 1)m ak ing a tho rou gh inve st igat ion o f re sou rce s an d a good job o f lan d s u se p lan; (2) p lan t ing gra ss an d decid ing th e am oun t o f hu sb an dary by gra ss; (3) bu ild ing w ater con servan cy p roject an d p lan t ing r ice fo r com b at ing a lk a lin ity; (4)p lan t ing fo re st s an d p u t ing up green


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