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2.3.1 蓝细菌Cyanobacteria The cyanobacteria have typical prokaryotic cell structures and a normal gram-negative cell wall. They range in diameter from about 1 – 10 μm and may be unicellular or form filaments. They have chlorophyll and carry out oxygen-producing photosynthesis, much as plants and the eukaryotic algae do. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Filamentous Cyanobacterium, Anabaena sp. (SEM x5,000) Nonfilamentous cyanobacteria The morphological diversity of the cyanobacteria is considerable. Both unicellular and filamentous forms are known, and considerable variation within these morphological types occurs. Photosynthesis Nitrogen fixation Main function of Cyanobacteria 粘细菌 生活周期分营养细胞和休眠体(子实体)二个阶段。DNA含有很高的G+C%(67~71%)。 可分泌多糖粘液。 子实体 Fruiting body of Myxococcus xanthus 营养体 2.3.2 螺旋体(Spirochetes) 螺旋体的形态特征和行动方式均不同于其他细菌,可归纳为一个独立的类群。这类原核生物的菌体细而长,是屈挠曲折、螺旋状卷曲的单细胞,在一螺旋体内有一个或多个小螺旋,宽0.09~0.75μm,长度2~500μm;革兰氏染色阴性,无鞭毛,靠体内轴丝运动。通过螺旋横向二分分裂繁殖;厌氧或兼性厌氧。有寄生或腐生,也有的为兼性寄生。螺旋体存在人类和动物的肠道、口腔和生殖道内。寄生性密螺旋体最重要的是梅毒密螺旋体,它可诱发人类接触传染和先天性梅毒。 0.2-0.5μm in diameter. obligate intracellular parasites. The majority of them are gram-negative and multiply only within host cells. Binary fission within host cells.They lack the enzymatic capability to produce sufficient amounts of ATP to support their reproduction. They obtain the ATP from host cells. Many species of them cause disease in humans and other animals. Rickettsia立克次体 They are obligate intracellular parasites, unable to generate sufficient ATP to support their reproduction. gram-negative and cell divides by binary fission The Chlamydia cause human respiratory and genitourinary tract disease, and in birds they cause respiratory disease. Chlamydia衣原体 Diameter=0.1-0.25 μm. They lack cell wall, are bounded by a single triple-layered membrane. They are the smallest organisms capable of self-reproduction. The colony is “fried egg” appearance. Several of them cause diseases in humans. (pneumo


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