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本科毕业论文 ( 20_ _届) 浅谈饭店新生代实习生管理 摘 要:文章首先介绍了饭店实习研究的背景,即饭店需要实习生,学生也需要实习机会。其次,描述了目前饭店使用实习生的一个现状,饭店只是把实习生当成旅游旺季缓解压力的一种途径,并没有把实习生当成潜在的人力资源。而现在的实习生都是新时代下的新新人类。他们独特的思维方式与酒店的传统管理方式相互冲突。新生代实习生在饭店实习过程中遇到许多问题,他们无法适应饭店枯燥的工作以及复杂的人际关系。导致了实习工作无法顺利的完成。饭店管理者在充分了解新生代实习生的成长环境和个性特点之后,制定了有效地管理策略。使这些新生代实习生能够更加顺利的完成实习期,甚至实习期满也愿意留下继续工作。为酒店储备更多的人力资源。给酒店和实习生都将带来巨大的意义。 关键词:饭店管理;实习生;新生代 The Management Of Hotel Interns Abstract: The article first introduces the background of the hotel practice, that the hotel needs interns, and students need internships. Secondly, describes the current status of the hotel with an intern, the hotel just as the tourist season interns a way to relieve stress, not the intern as a potential human resources. And now the interns are 85, 90 after the new generation. Their unique traditional way of thinking and hotel management conflict. New generation of intern training in the hotel many of the problems encountered in the process, they can not adapt to the work of boring the hotel and complex relationships. Led to the successful completion of internship can not. Hotel managers fully understand the new generation of interns in the growing environment and personality characteristics, the development of an effective management strategy. These new generation of interns to be more successful completion of internship, or even end of the internship is also willing to stay to work. The hotel reserves more human resources. To the hotel and the interns will have a tremendous significance. Key words:interns;new generation; hotel management 目 录 一、饭店实习背景………………………………………………………………………1 (一)饭店对实习生资源的需求……………………………………………1 (二)旅游专业学生须参加饭店实习………………………………………………1 二、新生代实习生的个性特征……………………………………………………………2 (一)个性特征………………………………………………………………………2 (二)个性特征的形成背景……………………………………………………2 三、新生代实习生实习过程中存在的问题…………………………………………………3 (一)缺少饭店管理者的重视……………………………………………………3 (二)实习工作繁重乏味……………………………………………………………4 (三)饭店复杂的人际关系……………………………………………………………4 (四)实习内容简单、操作机械化……………………………………………………4 (五)薪酬待遇不合理……………………………………………………………4 四、优化饭


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