本科开题报告-Written Feedback in Teaching Writing.doc

本科开题报告-Written Feedback in Teaching Writing.doc

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PAGE PAGE 6 开题报告 Written Feedback in Teaching Writing 一、选题的背景和意义 Teaching feedback can be divided in two major types, Oral Feedback and Written Feedback. Of course with the advancement and popularization of modern science and technology, the feedback via the medium of computer network also makes difference in teaching, appearing to be having an objective effect. As to teachers’ written feedback (shortened as “feedback”, henceforth) refers to the return information aiming of improving and enhancing learners’ writing level offered by teachers (Cardelle and Corno (1981: 251-261). As an important and integral part in language teaching, it plays a significant role in both traditional product-focused language teaching and current process-emphasized language teaching in that it can guide students’ assignment and guarantee sound teaching effects. In the field of second language writing, teachers’ feedback is one of the main subjects which arose much attention in recent 30 years. Quite a number of educators are always trying endeavors to find efficient ways to improve students’ L2(second language) writing level, Nowadays, the research field of teachers’ feedback aiming of bettering students’ L2 writing level has been emphasizing the following aspects, 1. The exploration of language features in feedback for the sake of availability and effectiveness. 2.The comparisons of various kinds of feedback in order for which feedback is of the most influential. 3.The analysis of learners’ attitude towards the feedback provided by teachers. First of all, the exploration of language features in feedback lies in 2 correlative aspects, the emphasis and the ways of evaluation. The former refers to that do teachers focus on accuracy and correctness of form of language, or on the writing fluency and the richness of content. The latter refers to that which ways do teachers use when offering these two kinds of feedback that have been mentioned above. Some resear


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