本科开题报告-An Analysis of Chinglish from Differences between Chinese and English Thinking Models.doc

本科开题报告-An Analysis of Chinglish from Differences between Chinese and English Thinking Models.doc

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PAGE PAGE 4 开题报告 An Analysis of Chinglish from Differences between Chinese and English Thinking Models 一、选题的背景和意义 Chinglish is a language phenomenon which comes from Chinese and English cultural communication. It has characteristics of Chinese pronunciation, grammar and words collocation. The causes of Chinglish can be complex, and the froms of Chinglish are varied. It appears everywhere there is Sino-English impact. Since Chinese joined WTO, China has more communications with the globe. Business and negotiations take places every day, and Chinese people have more affairs with foreigners than ever. However, the English level of Chinese people is not high enough to deal with all occasions overall, so it is inevitable that Chinglish be created. With the increase of Chinese economy, Chinglish also increases. Some appear in daily life and study, others appear in formal occasions. Being the top population country, Chinese has most speakers in the world, so Chinglish cannot be far less. Unfortunately, Chinglish neither does good for Chinglish users, nor does the receivers. First, Chinglish is created by Chinese people who rely on their mother language. But English and Chinese are two totally different languages not only in their language form, but also in their thinking model. Chinglish users always get confused when they use English, and Chinglish will affect their mother language as well. Meanwhile, Chinglish receivers will misunderstand what the Chinglish users express, because there many mistakes in Chinglish. Sometimes, the consequence of misunderstanding can be serious if there are critical moments. Chinglish is also an obstacle for English learners. English and Chinese thinking model affect each other in users’ mind, as a result, English learners cannot use any of them well. For the need of increasing cross-cultural communication, Chinese people should achieve English as a tool. Therefore, English learners should avoid Chinglish, and have a clear mind to shif


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