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29 1 Vo.l 29 N o. 1 2006 2 Journal ofN anjing Institute ofM eteorology Feb. 2006 : 1000-2022( 2006) 01-0122-0 杨 帅, 丁治英, 徐海明 ( , 210044) : 利用 MM 5中尺度模式对 1991年 月 5日00时) 6日 12时的降水进行了数值模拟通过 对每 3 h一次模拟结果的诊断分 , 发现高空急流的走向与西南涡的活动关系密切, 当我国东部位 于西北风急流时, 西南低涡稳定少动; 位于西风急流时, 西南涡快速东移; 位于西南风急流时, 西南 涡加强, 移速减慢暴雨活动与西南涡的东移一致最初暴雨区稳定少动, 之后暴雨区快速东移, 后期暴雨区缓慢移动湿位涡对西南涡的斜压性加大有重要的贡献在西南涡斜压性未建立之前 以及冷锋附近, 雨区可位于低层西南风急流左侧的任何位置, 当低涡的斜压性加大, 出现暖空气的 作用时, 暴雨区均出现在西南风急流的左前方 : 急流; 西南涡; 数值模拟; 梅雨暴雨 : P442 : A UpperLowLevelJetsandActivitiesof SouthwestVortex in aTorrentialRainProcessduring thePeriod of eiyu YANG Shua,i D ING Zh-i ying, XU Ha-im ing ( Departm ent ofA tm ospheric Sciences, NU IST, Nanj ing 210044, China) Abstract: In this paper, the mumerical smi ulation of precip itation during the period of 0000Z 5th to 1200Z 6th Ju ly 1991 is carried out by using theMM 5 meso-scale model. Through the d iagnostic analysis of smi u lated 3-hour interval resu lts, it is found that the trend of upper level jetw as close related to themo- tion of southw est vortex. When the northwest, w est and southw est jet lay over the east of China, the south- w est vortex w as stationary, moved eastw ards rap idly, and strengthened and moved slow ly, respectively. M eanwh ile, the motion of rain core w as consistent w ith the eastw ard motion of the southeast vortex. A t first, the rain belt w as stationary, then itmoved qu ickly eastw ards, and at last, its movement became slow. W et potential vorticity had a great contribution to the stronger baroclin icity of the southw est vortex. Befo


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