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;Hi, I’m Justin Rosenstein, co-founder of Asana. (but this deck isnt about Asana);Why do some teams march in unison and achieve big dreams…;;I’ve found that the answer is CLARITY;CLARITY OF PURPOSE;;To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful;Ask yourself: If we’re wildly successful,;It’s easy to forget purpose when everyone’s working hard and in the weeds.;A leader’s job is to ground the team in its purpose.;;;With Clarity of Purpose, team members see the importance of their work — no matter how small or mundane their task might seem.;Does your team know: Why your organization or project exists? If you’re wildly successful, how the world will be di?erent? How your day-to-day activities relate to your purpose?;Clarity of Purpose shows your team why…;Clarity of Purpose;Without Clarity of Plan:;To achieve Clarity of Plan:;;Ensure all teammates give feedback and have access to this master strategy.;Master Strategy;Now you can map out the projects and tasks that will drive your key results.;Armed with Clarity of Plan, your team will march confidently forward.;;Clarity!;;;Clarity of Purpose;Clarity of Responsibility happens when you make one person responsible for each piece of your team’s plan.;;While only one person should hold responsibility for a project, others can hold responsibility for a task within it.;Great leaders give Clarity of Responsibility and then actually hand it o?...;;Ask yourself: Which kind of leader am I?;Does your team know: The one person responsible for each piece of your plan? What their individual areas of responsibility are? That they have autonomy to figure out how to deliver an outcome?;While the path to achieving great things will always be a challenge…;You can maximize your team’s chance for success.;;;Clarity of;;


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