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2000 4 ( ) Apr. , 2000 13 2 Journal of Yantai University ( Social Science) Vol. 13 No. 2 X 李 军 ( , 2 4 35) [ ] ; ; [ ] , , , , [ ] H030 [ ] A [ ] 1002-3194(2000) 02-023 -05 The Literal Meaning of Utterances and Their Conversational Implicature LI Jun ( School of Foreig n L ang uag es , Yanta i Univ ers ity , Yant ai 2 4 35) Key words: utterances; literal meaning; conversational implicature Abstract : Starting from a review of some concrete pragmatic errors, this paper first deals w ith the literal meaning of utterances and their conversational implicature, then introduces Levinson. s three principles of the neoOGrice. s pragmatic apparatus as w ell as Grice. s four basic maxims of conversation w hich jointly express a coOoperative principle in the conversation, and finally presents a new insight into the soOcalled ambiguity of scope by virtue of the principle of manner and con- versational implicature. Where are you , , Before I start my lecturing I w ould like to give you a test in order to know w here you are so far as the translation course is concerned. , : Why? Professor, w e are in the classroom. , ( ) , ( ) X [ ] 1999- 03- 21 [] ( 1945- ) , , , 2 : 237 , , M ax Shulman 1951 0T he Many Loves of Dobie Gillis0 , , , , : : I should have know n it. I should have know n they. d come back when the Charleston came back. Like a fool I spent all my money for textbooks, and now I can. t get a raccoon coat. : Can you mean that people are actually w earing raccoon coats again? : All the big men


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