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初产妇分娩过程中采用触摸护理及放松训练的效果研究 钟雄英欧彩冰(湛江市妇幼保健院广东湛江524038) 【中图分类号】R473.71【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1672-5085 (2011)38-0305-02 【摘要】目的探讨釆用触摸护理及放松训练对初产妇分娩过程的影响。方法 选择2010年1月至2010年12月在我院住院阴道试产的产妇120例,按住院号 的单双分为试验组和对照组各60例,单号为试验组,双号为对照组。试验组产 妇进入产程后,由助产士给予触摸护理及指导产妇进行放松训练;对照组采取平 卧位、左右侧卧位等体位等待自然分娩;根据WHO疼痛分级标准对产妇进行分 娩疼痛程度评估,记录各产程的时间及总时间、两组新生儿出生后的Apgar评分。 结果试验组疼痛程度较对照组明显减轻,第一产程及总产程较对照组明显缩短, 新生儿室息发生率降低,与对照组比较(Plt;0.01,差异有统计学意义。结论采 用触摸护理及放松训练能使产妇的疼痛程度减轻,产程缩短及新生儿窒息发生率 降低。 【关键词】分娩初产妇触摸护理 放松训练 Effect study of touching care and relaxation training in the process of primiparas having childbirth 【Abstract】 Objective Explored the effect of touching care and relaxation training in the process of primiparas having childbirth. Method 120 cases of maternal with vaginal trial production in our hospital during January 2010 to December 2010, were divided into experimental group and control group according to admission number of odd and even, and each group was 60 cases, odd numbers for the experimental group, even numbers for the control group. The internal in experimental group was given touching care and guided the maternal to have relaxation training by midwife after entering birth process; the control group was supine, right and left lateral position and other position to wait for natural delivery; According to WHO classification criteria were pain of the two groups, recording the time of the birth process and the total time, and Apgar scores after birth. Result The degree of pain of experimental group significantly reduced compared with the control group, the first birth process and total birth process was significantly shorter than the control group, the incidence of neonatal asphyxia was lower. Compared with control group (Plt;O.Ol), the difference was significant. Conclusion Touching care and relaxation training can reduce the maternityrsquo;s pain, shorten birth process and reduce the incidence of neonatal asphyxia. 【Key words】 Childbirth primiparas touching care relaxation training 分娩是妇女的一个正常生理过程,但大多



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