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大跨径曲线桥转体不平衡称重试验 程海根 李 康 蔡 裕 ( 华东交通大学土木建筑学院, 南昌 330013) 摘 要: 以德安县共安大桥为工程背景,主要介绍了曲线桥转体双向不平衡称重实验的目的及意义。转体结 构在竖平面内,由于球铰体系的制作误差或者梁体质量分布差异等,使得桥梁两端悬臂段刚度和质量分布不 同,从而产生不平衡力矩。为了保证桥梁安全、稳妥转体,在正式转体前需进行转动体称重试验,测试转动体 的不平衡力矩、偏心矩、摩阻力及静摩擦系数。结合背景工程给出了具体的实验方案,在上转盘下用千斤顶 施加力,分别用位移计测出球铰由静摩擦状态到动摩擦状态的临界值,上转盘两侧的力差即为不平衡重量。 并介绍了转体不平衡力矩、摩阻力矩、偏心距及球铰的摩擦系数的计算方法,根据实验结果给出了转体配重 方案,分析得出球铰摩擦系数及配重后的偏心距符合规范要求,背景工程具备转体条件。试验结果为桥梁的 顺利转体提供了可靠的依据。 关键词: 大跨径曲线桥; 大跨径曲线桥转体; 摩擦系数; 不平衡力矩; 转体配重 中图分类号: U445. 465 文献标志码: B 15Test on Swivel Unbalanced Weighing for Long-span Curved Brid 15 CHENG Hai-gen LI Kang CAI Yu ( Civil Construction Institute,East China Jiaotong University,Nanchang 330013,China) Abstract: Taking the Gongan Bridge in Dean County as the case study,the paper presents the purpose and significance of test on two-way swivel unbalanced weighing for a curved bridge. The swivel body in vertical plane will produce unbal- anced moment on account of the unequal distribution of the cantilever rigidity and mass at either end of the bridge, which is caused by manufacture error of spherical hinge or the mass distribution difference of the bridge. Therefore,for the safety of the bridge and a reliable swiveling,weighing of the swivel body,test on unbalanced moment,eccentricity, frictional resistance and static friction coefficient are necessary before the swiveling. Based on the practice of the bridge construction,a concrete experimental program is worked out,i. e. apply force beneath the upper turnplate with a jack, measure the critical value of the spherical hinge respectively with a displacement meter from its static friction to dynami- cal friction and the force difference measured on both sides of the upper turnplate is the unbalanced weight. The paper also presents method of calculating the friction coefficient for swivel unbalanced moment,frictional resisting moment,ec- centricity,and spherical hinge. Swivel counter weight program is established based on experimental


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