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Team Division legend of “yeah” In ancient times there was a monster called “yeah” which was very fierce . 古时候有一种叫“年”的怪兽,凶猛异常。 Year living in the sea and climbed the bank until end of year, devoured the animals and harmed human life. “年”居于海底,每年年底才爬上岸,吞噬牲畜伤害人命。 It is said that year fear red, flames, and fried in particular. 据说,年最怕红色、火光和炸响。 legend of “yeah” Therefore on New Years eve,people put red couplets , setting off firecrackers in every home . 从此每年除夕家家贴红对联,放鞭炮。 To be exact , chinese New Year Fireworks custom dates from the Han dynasty . 确切的说,春节燃放鞭炮的风俗始于汉代。 People in this way to ward off evil ghost, hoping that auspicious happiness in the coming year . 以此辟邪驱鬼,期盼来年吉祥幸福。 Offer Sacrifices to the Kitchen God (祭灶) Spring Festival in China is generally from December 23 or 24 of each year. 中国的春节一般从每年的腊月23或者24开始。 Preliminary Eve Spring Cleaning (小年和扫尘) “Dust” is homophonic with “chen” in Chinese, which means old and past. 在中国,“灰尘”的“尘”和“陈”是同音,意味着过去。 Spring Festival Couplets (春联) The spring festival couplets are from the “peach tree branches”(桃梗) more than 2000 years ago. 春联是从2000多年前的“桃梗“演变而来的。 The first spring festival couplet from one emperor of five dynasties whose name is Meng Xu . 最早的春联出自五代时期一个叫孟旭的皇帝之手。 Pasting Paper-cuts “Up-sided Fu”(贴窗花和“福”字 ) Paper-cuts, usually with lucky patterns, give a happy and prosperous atmosphere of the Festival and express the good wishes of Chinese people looking forward to a good life. 剪纸通常带有吉祥的图案,传递快乐和祥和的春节气氛,并且传达中国人对美好生活的向往。 Give New Year’s Greetings (拜年) According to the records of The beans of Miscellanies ,the custom of give new year’s greetings first appeared in the Ming dynasty . 根据《菽园杂记》的记载,拜年的风俗最早出现在明朝。 Red Pocket (红包) –Babies’ love Actually, sui has a homonym which means evil spirit which means to get rid of this evil spirit and bad luck. So people give some money to bring good luck. 实际上,“岁”就是鬼鬼祟祟的“祟”,意思就是祛除“鬼祟之气”和“霉气”,于是就给些钱带来好运。 Food What do we usually eat during the Spring Festival ? 春节期间我们经常吃什么? Vari


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