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光电工程Opto-Electronic Engineering第 39 卷第 1 期2012 年 1 光电工程 Opto-Electronic Engineering 第 39 卷第 1 期 2012 年 1 月 Vol.39, No.1 Jan, 2012 文章编号:1003-501X(2012)01-0001-06 符号 M 阵列结构光的编码研究 陆 军,黄春明 ( 哈尔滨工程大学 自动化学院,哈尔滨 150001 ) 摘要:编码结构光的三维检测是一种主动视觉方法,通过投影仪投射一定的编码模式,获取匹配点,通过三角原 理获得深度信息。为实现物体表面的快速测量,采用伪随机阵列对结构光进行编码。由于基于对角线法无法得到 合适尺寸的 M 阵列,研究一种能生成大尺寸 M 阵列的算法,为提高测量的空间分辨率及测量精度奠定基础。在 三元域中,使用单色光,选择条纹、圆圈和圆盘作为 M 阵列符号,符号容易识别和区分,并为解码图像搜索提供 信息,提高对环境的抗干扰能力。大部分码字的汉明距离大于 3,具有更好的鲁棒性。实验结果验证了该方法的 可行性和有效性。 关键词:伪随机原理;大尺寸 M 阵列;单色编码;符号阵列;汉明距离 中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标志码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2012.01.001 Coded Research of Structured Light Based on Symbol M-array LU Jun,HUANG Chun-ming ( Department of Automation, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China ) Abstract: Coded structured light based on 3D detection is an active-vision method, which projects certain coding pattern through the projector, and obtains the matching points and depth information through triangle principle. For realizing fast measurement of surface, a pseudo-random array encoded method is used. Because the M-array generated by diagonal line is unable to meet the requirement of size for projecting desire pattern, an algorithm which may generate M-array of the large suitable size is studied. It lays the foundation for improving the measurement of spatial resolution and measuring precision. Over the field of three elements, monochromatic light is used, and we choose the stripe, circle and disc as M-array symbols. The symbols are easy to be identified and distinguished, provide information for decoding image search and increase the anti-interference ability for the environment. The pattern is robust as it allows a high error rate characterized by Hamming distance higher than 3. Results of reconstruction verify feasibility and effectiveness of presented method. Key words: pseudo-random principle; large size M-array; monochromatic encoding; symbol array; Hamming distance 0 引 言 结构光法是一种主动式光学测量技术,一般由投影仪、摄像机和计算机三部分组成,通过三角法获得 深度信息



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