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大尺寸轴孔类零件热装配轴线的非接触测量 李伟刚 1,张锁怀 2,吴一凡 1 (1.陕西科技大学 机电工程学院,陕西 西安 710021;2.上海应用技术学院 机械工程学院,上海 201418) 摘 要:为了保证大尺寸轴孔类零件的热装配质量,基于非合作式激光相位测距技术和曲线拟合技术,提出了一种针对 大尺寸轴孔类零件热装配轴线位置测量和重合调整的方法,建立了轴孔类零件装配轴线的测量模型,给出了两装配轴线 重合调整理论参数依据,并对轴线测量系统进行了误差分析,最后运用 Matlab 对利用该测量方法采集的装配轴线的可靠 性进行了仿真验证。验证结果表明:利用该测量方法得到的轴线在一定条件下可以作为被测轴孔类零件的理想轴线。 关键词:激光相位测距;曲线拟合;轴线;热装配 中图分类号:TH16;TH82 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3997(2014)03-0217-03 Non-Contact Measurement of the Hot Assembly Axis-Line for the Large-Size Axis and Hole Parts LI Wei-gang1,ZHANG Suo-huai2,WU Yi-fan1 (1.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Shaanxi University of Science and Technology,Shannxi Xi’an 710021, China;2.School of Mechanical Engineering Shanghai Institute of Technology,Shanghai 201418,China) Abstract:To ensure the quality of the hot assembly for the large-size axis and hole parts,based on non-cooperative laser phase distance measuring technology and curve fitting technique,a method of measurement and adjustment was proposed for the hot assembly axis-line position of the large-size axis and hole parts,and the measurement assembly axis model of the axis and hole parts was founded,the assembly parameters was given according to the axis adjustment theory,and then the error of the measurement system was analyzed. Finally using Matlab with the measurement method to the simulation verification have been carried out to the reliability of the axis assembly. The verification results show that the axis-line which was acquired by the method can be seen as the ideal axis of the measured axis and hole parts. Key Words:Laser Phase Ranging;Curve Fitting;Axis-Line;Hot Assembly 1 引言 轴孔类零件的过盈配合主要有热装配和冷装配两种,对于 大尺寸零件精密配合时,常采用热装配完成整体连接,即对被测 孔零件加热,基于热胀冷缩特性,实现轴孔零件的热过盈装配,为 了保证轴孔零件热装配的质量,常借助工装夹具构建装配基准实 现轴孔零件的精密装配[1],对于大尺寸轴孔零件的装配,由于现场 装配环境复杂,单纯依靠工装夹具往往难以保证精密装配要求, 例如大型曲轴的热装配[2],为了实现大尺寸孔轴零件的高质量组 合装配,提出利用激光斜射式回转扫描法分别获得装配时轴孔零 件的轴线空间位置,并推导出两轴线间的重合调整参数,为实现 轴孔零件的高质量装配提供理论依据。 2 轴线测量原理 由于大尺寸轴孔类零件质量重,体积大等原因,孔零件常固 定不动,轴零件采用自上向下装配方式,传统孔


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