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I I 摘 要 摘 要 县域城镇化是伴随着县域工业化和服务业发展而发生的社会、经济结构的转换。这 一转换主要表现为人口、非农产业、资本、市场由分散的农村向县域内城镇集中的过程。 实施县域城镇化战略,是县域经济社会发展及其现代化的必然要求。河北省顺应世界和 国家潮流,积极推进城镇化建设,三年大变样成绩斐然,极大地促进了本省的城镇化进程。 但是河北省县域城镇化水平偏低,与其他沿海地区省份的县域城镇化水平相比存在一定 的差距。 论文由城镇化的定义和内涵入手,从经济因素、人口与城镇化水平方面分析了河北 省县域城镇建设现状,进而阐述了财政在城镇化建设中的重要作用,并明确了推进县域 城镇化建设的现实与理论依据。论文提出,要加快河北省县域城镇化建设,应结合各县 本身的特点,充分利用优势,大力发展民营经济,为城镇化建设提供财力保障;加快河 北省县域城镇化建设,需要转变县级政府职能,从社会主义市场经济发展的客观需要出 发,按照建立公共财政的基本原则,在县乡财政管理体制方面进行创新。强调指出,体 制创新的核心就是建立健全分税制财政体制。在这个过程中,要配套进行一系列的改革 创新:探索建立转移支付制度,推行基本保障制度。加大对基础教育和环境保护的财政投 入;明确指出加快县域城镇化建设的最大的困难是资金不足和目前财政资金很难满足城 镇基础设施建设的需要。因此,应改变以前政府为主的单一的投融资模式,坚持制度创 新,逐步建立起以财政资金为导向的多元投融资体系。 关键词 河北省 县域城镇化建设 财政政策 II II Abstract Abstract With the county industrialization and the development of service industry, county urbanization happened because of the transformation of social and economy structure. This transformation is reflected in the process that population, Non-agricultural industries, capital and markets are more and more concentrated from rural area to urban area. The implementation of county urbanization is the inevitable requirements of development of the economy and social and the modernization. Hebei province is keeping the pace with the trends of world and our country, actively promote the urbanization construction and make a dramatically change within three years. However, the level of urbanization in Hebei province is much lower than coastal provinces. The paper starts from the definition and the connotation of urbanization, analyzes the status of the Hebei province urbanization construction, and elaborates the importance of finance in urbanization construction, and then clears the reality and theoretical basis of implementation of county urbanization construction. The paper points out that, to speed up the urbanization construction, we should make full use of advantages with the characteristics of the county itself, and fully promote the private economy development in order to provide financial guarantee for urbanization



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