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第18卷第6期 电 第18卷第6期 电 机 与 控 制 学 报 V()1.18 No.6 2014年6月 Eleetri Maehines an(1 Control June 2014 基于多物 理场的高 速永磁电机转子护套研究 张凤阁1, 杜光辉1, 王天煜2, CAO Wen—pin93 (1.沈阳工业大学电气工程学院,辽宁沈阳110870;2.沈阳工程学院机械学院,辽宁沈阳110136 3.School of Electrical Engineering,Queen University Belfast,Belfast BT9 5AH,UK) 摘要:目前高速永磁电机转子最常用的保护措施是碳纤维捆扎永磁体、永磁体外加非导磁或半导 磁合金保护套,保护套的增加会给电机的散热带来严重的困难。针对以上问题,基于一台75 kW, 60 000 r/rain的高速永磁电机,设计了3种方案,同时基于应力场、电磁场和温度场对3种方案的转 子强度、转子涡流损耗和温度分布进行了综合的比较与分析,通过一台采用非导磁合金保护套的样 机进行了温升实验。实验结果表明,采用半导磁合金保护套时,会大大减小永磁体的厚度,但会产 生更大的转子涡流损耗;采用非导磁合金保护套时,所需的永磁体和保护套的厚度最大;采用碳纤 维保护套时,所需的保护套厚度最小,转子涡流损耗和温升分布也远远小于其他两种保护措施。 关键词:高速永磁电机;保护套;转子应力;涡流损耗;温度场 中图分类号:TM 351 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007—449x(2014)06—0015—07 Rotor containment sleeve study of high-speed PM machine based on multi-physics fields ZHANG Feng—gel,DU Guang—huil,WANG Tian—yu2,Wenping Ca03 (1.School of Electrical Engineering,Shenyang University of TeehnologT,Shenyang 1 10870,China; 2.School of Mechanical Engineering,Shenyang Institute of Engineering,Shenyang 110136,China; 3.School of Electrical Engineering,Queen University Belfast,Belfast BT9 5AH,UK) Abstract:Now,carbon fiber banding permanent magnet.non—magnetic a11(1 semi—magnetic alloy containment sleeve eomm(mly used to protect the pemlanent magnet(PM)R)r high—speed PM machine.However.con— Iainment sleeve will the dimeuh heat dissipation.Due to the above problems.the three sehenles were designed tbr difl)rent protection measures based high—speed pemmnent magnet machine of 75 kW,60 000 r/min.At the same time,rotor strength,rotor eddy current lOSS an(1 temperature distribution of the three schemes were compared a11(1 analyzed,based the stress field,electromagnetic field arl(1 temperature field. The comparison to temperature rise experiment of high—speed pemmnent magnet machine with non—magnetic al— loy containment sleeve was conducted.It is shown that,semi—magnetic alh)y containment sleeve(:an greatly reduce the permanent magnet thickness,I)ut rotor eddy emTent l


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