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合肥工业大学管理学院 徐广林 徐广林 合肥工业大学管理学院 学号:2012111157 PAGE 1 论自然辩证法思想与中国可持续发展战略 摘要:自然辩证法的生态自然观主张自然界是一个生态系统,人与自然是相互联系和相互制约的有机整体,生态系统是一个动态的开放的非线性非平衡系统,是稳定性与变化性的统一。生态自然观是人们面向生态环境问题,依靠生态科学和系统科学,对自然界的存在与发展尤其是人与自然界的关系的认识,生态自然观是促进经济社会的可持续发展与生态文明建设的重要理论基础。当今中国经济的高速发展是建立在大量消耗自然资源和付出巨大的环境代价为基础的,资源的匮乏和环境污染的严重破坏,迫使我们转变经济发展模式,借鉴自然辩证法的生态自然观的思想,走可持续发展道路。本文将通过介绍自然辩证法的生态自然观思想,并结合我国实际情况,阐述我国走可持续发展道理的必要性与合理性,并就我国的可持续发展提出相应的建议。 关键字:自然辩证法 生态自然观 可持续发展 Abstract:Ecological view of nature belonged to dialectics of nature holds that nature is an ecological system. Man and nature are interconnected and interdependent as an organic entity. Ecological system is not only a dynamic but an opened nonlinear, nonequilibrium system with the quality of stability and variability. Ecological view of nature is a new view about the existence and development of the nature, especially the relationship between human and nature, relying on the ecological science and system science when facing the problems of ecological environment. Ecological view of nature is the vital theory basis of promoting the sustainable development of economy and society as well as the construction of ecological civilization. Today, the rapid development of China’s economy is achieved at the cost of consuming a large number of natural resource and the heavy environmental pollution. The lack of resources and the seriously environmental pollution gradually force us to change the mode of economic development and choose the road of sustainable development according to the ecological ideology of the natural dialectics. This paper will introduce ecological natural thoughts of natural dialectics to illustrate the necessity and rationality of the sustainable development in our country combining the real situation of our country. Thus some relevant suggestions will be put forward to improve the sustainable development of our country. Key words: dialectics of nature; the views of ecologica


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