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扬州人学硕lj学位论义的信息资源能激发学习者的学习兴趣,但同时也使一部分学习者不知所措,迷欠了方向。此 扬州人学硕lj学位论义 的信息资源能激发学习者的学习兴趣,但同时也使一部分学习者不知所措,迷欠了方向。此 外,目前的评价体系限制了学生的策略选择,无论是高分者还是低分者英语学习都以考试为 导向。高分者在策略的选择上更有目的性,更意识到自己的个人需求,相比之下,低分者依 旧坚持自己策略使用的习惯,仅仅为了通过考试。以上两个冈素可以部分解释高分组和低分 组在计算机辅助情境卜.策略使用的显著差异。 本研究对火学英语教学有一定的启发意义: 1.学生在学习过程中应注重使脂策略,而增强学生学习策略意识的最有效途径是为他们 提供系统的,有针对性的培训。计算机辅助自主学习迫切地要求学生能有效地运用学习策略。 2.整合当前的评估体系与人学英语教学改革,只有这样,人学英语教学改革才能获得成 功,学生才能够合理选择学习策略。 3.在人学英语教学改革的背景下,如何激发学生学习英语的兴趣或内在动机是北常重要 的。因此,大学英语教学改革应该努力将提高学生英语学习动机和培养学生使用学习策略有 效地结合起来 关键词:高分者;低分者,语言学习策略;计算机辅助情境;自主学习 VII 扬州人学硕I:学位论文Abstract 扬州人学硕I:学位论文 Abstract The presem study was undertaken to investigate the overall use of English learning strategies by high achievers and low achievers in the computer-assisted language learning environment,to find out the similarities and differences between the two groups of learners in terms of their use of learning strategies,and to explore the underlying factors responsible for such similarities and differences.The research questions to be addressed in the study are as follows: 1.What is the overall use of English learning strategies by high achievers and low achievers in CALL environment? 2.Are there any similarities and differences between high achievers and low achievers witll respect to their use of the learning strategies in CALL environment?If there are,what are they? 3.For what reasons do they choose English learning strategies in such similar and different ways in CALL environment? The study,witll cognitive psychology,humanism and constructivism as its theoretical framework,was conducted both quantitatively and qualitatively.The quantitative design includes a questionnaire and the qualitative design is an interview. Two hundred and thirty non-English majors of 6 classes of Grade 2008 took two CET-4 tests.Thirty high achievers and thirty low achievers,sampled according to the test scores.were surveyed with a questionnaire concerning their strategy use in CALL environment;of the 60 copies of questionnaire 5 8 que


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