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汽车服务工程毕业论文 PAGE V 汽车服务工程毕业论文 题目:电喷发动机故障诊断技术研究 专业:汽车服务工程 摘 要 发动机是汽车的重要组成,是车辆运行的动力来源。随着其自动化程度的不断提高,工作性能的不断完善,其结构也变得越来越复杂;外加工作环境十分恶劣,因此发动机故障发生频率很大,并且其诊断难度也在不断提高。这样就使发动机成为汽车故障诊断与检测的重点对象。为了迅速诊断故障情况,提高维修的效率,世界各国的汽车公司和研究机构纷纷投入大量资金和精力研究汽车发动机电控系统的故障诊断。而我国汽车工业发展较晚,汽车电子与发达国家差距很大,所以进行汽车故障诊断技术究对于改善和提高我国汽车检测诊断技术非常重要,具有重要的现实意义。 汽车发动机自研制成功以来。经过一个多世纪的改进和完善,从化油器式发动机发展到电子控制燃油喷射系统发动机,发动机系统已成为集电子技术、计算机技术、信息技术于一体的智能控制系统。由于发动机结构复杂,工作条件恶劣,使得发动机故障率较高。维修保养费用很大,如何对发动机的故障进行及时、高效的诊断和维修日益成为一个突出的问题。 本文主要是对汽车发动机故障诊断技术进行研究分类,并且对各种方法进行总结分析。首先确定排除故障的思路,然后再参照文章中的各种诊断方法进行故障诊断,最后总结出几种方法的实用范围,这样就可以使得故障诊断变得简单明了。 关键词:汽车 电喷发动机 故障诊断 诊断方法 Abstract The engine is the important composition, car is powered vehicle operation. With its automation degree unceasing enhancement, the working performance of the constantly improve, its structure is also becoming more and more complex. Plus working environment is very abominable, therefore engine failure occurred frequency is very big, and its diagnostic difficulty also constantly improving. This makes the engine become auto fault diagnosis and the detection of major object. In order to quickly diagnosis fault, improve the efficiency of maintenance, world automobile companies and research institutes have invested a great deal and energy research automotive engine control system fault diagnosis. While Chinas auto industry development later, automobile electronics and developed countries, because of the large gap for auto fault diagnosis technology to improve and enhance lao-zhuang Chinas automobile detection and diagnosis technology is very important, have important practical significance. Since the successful development of automobile engine. After more than a century of improving and perfecting from carburetor type engine development to the electronic control fuel injection system engine, engine system has become the collection of electronic technology, computer technology and information technology in the integration of intelligent control system. Because


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