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服装英语实用技能培训交流篇 he clothing industry is one of the largest in the world. 服装业是这世界上最大的行业 B: Yes, it is divided into several sections: tailoring. light clothing, hosiery. swimmwear. foundation garments and so on. 对啊! 还能分成很多个分支,比如, 外套, 便装, 针织, 泳装, 胸衣等多个行业 A: So The range of merchandies is very diverse. 所以说嘛, 服装种类的范围很广。 B: If include fabric and trimmings, the scope is more wide. 如果包括原材料和辅料就更多了 A: Any more, each branch can be divided into different kinds, like tailoring can be divided into man tailoring and woman tailoring, light clothing can be devided into dressse and separates, other kinds too. 还有, 每个分支还可以再分, 象外套可分成男装和女装, 便装可分成套裙和单件等, 其它的分类也如此。 交流篇(2) A: How do you think a design room? 你是如何看待设计室的? B: The design room is the hub of a clothing company. 设计室是服装公司的心脏 A: Why you said so? 为什么? B: Its function is to produce sample garments that will look good, fit well and be practical to produce in bulk. 它的功能是制造出好看的合适的具批量生产可行性的样本 A: So you think it is very important? 所以你认为很重要? B: Yes, the future commerical existence of the company depends on the skill of the design room team, It is vrey important department 对, 公司的未来商务操作就看设计团伙的技术了那是一个非常重要的部门 交流篇(3) A: How many designer do your company have? 你们公司有多少设计师 B: Only two, but experienced 只有两个,但都很有经验 A: What is their work? 他们的任务是什么? B: Select fabric and trimmings, and develop the idea for sample, pass on sketch to pattern cutter 选定辅面料,设计出设计图,把图纸给样本裁剪师 A: All your pattern cutter can read the sketch? 你们的裁剪师都能读得懂图纸吗? B: A sketch must be easy to understand, and clearly indicate the position of seams. pockets. darts. type of colllar. width of sleeve, etc. 图纸必需容易明白, 要清楚地标注出拼接和缝和的位置, 以及袋位,领型袖宽等等参数 A: So a pattern cutter can read a sketch easily, right? 那样裁剪师就可以很容易地读懂图纸了,是吗? B: Yes, but a pattern cutter should have enough knowledge about sketch. 是的, 但裁剪师也必需有足够的图纸方面的知识 A: Great, you are a inner manager! 真利害, 你是一个专业的管理人员啊! B: Think! 谢谢! 交流篇(4) A: How many pattern makers your company have? 你们公司有多少个样板师? B: Only one, but have good skill, All


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