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第二部 专题Ⅱ词汇 ㈤ 动词的非谓语形式 考点揭密 典型例题解析 课时训练 考点揭密 1.掌握非谓语动词的定义。即:在句中不单独作谓语的动词叫非谓语动词。非谓语动词的形式一般用不定式和现在分词、动名词、过去分词表示; 2.掌握动词不定式的用法,在句中可作宾语、主语、宾语补足语、状语定语;作定语补足语的不定式,如果句中动词为使役动词和感官动词,不定式要省to,如:let sb. do,make sb . do, see sb. do, hear sb. do;help后可加to也可省to;如果将省to的不定式改为被动语态,则要加to; 考点揭密 3.不定式可以和疑问词who,when,what,how,等构成不定式短语,在句中作主语宾语和表语。 如:I dont know what to say. 4.掌握一些特殊结构如:had better,would rather...than,do nothing but,had better 等结构中省to; 5.掌握动词-ing形式的分类:动名词、现在分词;动名词在句中起名词作用,可作主语、宾语、表语等; 现在分词起形容词、副词的作用,在句中作状语、补语、表语定语等;  考点揭密 6.掌握一些特殊结构中的不定式和动名词,现在分词的用法,尤其是有些动词后既可加不定式又可加动名词, 但意义差别很大:如:stop to do,stop doing,forget to do,forget doing等;记忆一些只加不定式的动词,如:want to do,hope to do,wish to do ,decide to do等;只加动名词的动词,如: finish doing,enjoy doing,feel like doing mind doing practise doing等。有些动词既可加不定式,也可加动名词,意义一样,如:start to do,start doing。  7.熟记一些-ing短语如:be busy doing,do some doing,go doing等。 【例1】 He often asks his son_________his clothes. [2003 长沙] A.to wash B.wash C.washing D.washed 典型例题解析 【例2】The students of Class One will spend their winter holiday in Shenzhen,but the students of Class Two havent decided_________.[2003 广东] A.what to buy B.how to go C.where to go D.which to choose A 【例3】 would you mind_________me how _________English words?(2003 昆明) A.tell,to remember B.telling,remember C.telling,to remember D.tell,remember C C 典型例题解析 D 【例4】 —Theres a ticket on the floor,is it yours? —Oh,yes, its mine. —Let me_________for you.[2003,黄冈] A.to pick up it B.to pick it up C.pick up it D.pick it up 【例5】 —Hi,Peter.Why are you in such a hurry? —_________the 7:30 train.[2003,江西]



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