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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 5 补全短文Weight Worries May Start Early for Slim Women   There is a range of reasons1 why thin women think they’re too heavy, but the distorted body image may often have its roots in childhood, the results of a new study suggest. Researchers f ound that among more than 2,400 thin women they surveyed, nearly 10 percent thought they were too heavy. 1--B   According to the study authors, led by Dr. Susanne Kruger Kjaer of the Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, society’s ideal female body is moving toward an underweight physique. 2--D   To investigate body image among thin women, the researchers gave questionnaires to 2,443 women ages 27 to 38 whose body mass index2 was at the low end of normal3. 3--F   Overall, almost 10 percent of the women thought they were too heavy. Those who reported certain severe life events in childhood or adolescence, such as having a parent become ill or having their educational hopes dashed, were more likely than others to have a distorted body image. 4--A   In contrast, traumatic events in adulthood, such as serious illness or significant marital problems, were not related to poor body image, the researchers report. 5--C A. The same was true of4 women who started having sex or drinking alcohol when they were younger than 15 years old.   B. Experiences in childhood, including having an ill parent, or starting to drink or have sex at a particularly young age, were among the risk factors for having a distorted body image.   C. Our results indicate that the risk of being dissatisfied with (one’s) own body weight may be established early in life, Kjaer and her colleagues write.   D. Research suggests that many normal-weight women wish to weigh less.   E. If worries have altered your appetite or weight, it will help to talk to someone about it.   F. The women were asked about factors ranging from childhood experiences to current exercise habits.” ?The Hope Children’s Hospice The Hope Children’s Hospice provides free speciali


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