on mapping_课件.ppt

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on mapping___________________ patricia sullivan and participants of public rhetorics graduate class purdue university january, 2009 精品文档 situation___________________ Public Rhetorics class discussion held online in Adobe Connect Pro on 1/28/09 Goals: “try out” whiteboard function [with everyone enabled to make changes on it] demonstrate concept mapping organize discussion of disparate readings 精品文档 starting picture______________ Axes inside to outside tool to performance Author names mapped Activity: discuss what the axes mean and why articles placed Consider renaming and moving 精品文档 change # 1__________________ Addition: “testing” to open space in lower right not discussed much postmortem comment: pay attention to open spaces in mapping activity Is you category unhelpful? Is there little work in this area? Have you not included work in this area? 精品文档 change # 2_________________ Addition: “public” in lower left and “PUBLIC” in upper right Discussion: trying to show a move from tiny to large, analytic parts to synthetic wholes, more atomistic view to a more comprehensive view postmortem comment: shows desire for 3rd dimension 精品文档 change # 3_________________ Change Axes Names: y=inner to outer x=use to show Discussion: tried to “get at” what I had meant and clarify it postmortem comment: this is it. Mapping should push to clarify terms and this is easier to do in a discussion if it is “busted out of” the readings (which we sometimes do by bringing in writers not read) 精品文档 change # 4_________________ Reposition readings: this snapshot shows one move M/R, but there were some others not included in this demonstration Discussion: there was more contested discussion of axes and people tended to suggest moves for readings that were almost always accepted postmortem comment: the [relatively short] time given to this activity the difficulty in writing precisely on the whiteboard limited repositioning 精品文档 change # 5_________________ Change Y-Axis Name: reality to


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