Power Management In Windows Vista课件.ppt

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Common Power Policy Configuration Tasks Powercfg command-line tool can be used to configure power policy Included with Windows Vista Suitable for most factory floor configuration tasks Import/export new power schemes Updating power policy defaults Adjusting individual power settings E.g., changing processor performance state min, max Common Power Policy Configuration Tasks Powercfg tool supports textual aliases for common power policy GUIDs Every Windows Vista power scheme and setting is identified by a GUID Use aliases in place of GUID parameters to powercfg “powercfg /aliases” displays the entire list Example: S3 idle timeout Power setting GUID “{29f6c1db-86da-48c5-9fdb-f2b67b1f44da}” Powercfg alias “STANDBYIDLE” Common Power Policy Configuration Tasks Configure power settings within a specific power scheme Set AC, DC values for individual power settings Note: Every power setting is in a power setting subgroup Note: Use – setdcvalueindex to change power setting policy on battery power c:\powercfg.exe –setacvalueindex SCHEME SUBGROUP SETTING VALUE c:\powercfg.exe –setacvalueindex SCHEME_BALANCED SUB_SLEEP STANDBYIDLE 0 Common Power Policy Configuration Tasks Rename a power scheme Update power scheme friendly name, description Strings can be localized Use “@dllpath,-resourceID” syntax E.g., “@%SystemRoot%\system32\powrprof.dll,-14” c:\powercfg.exe –renamescheme SCHEME FriendlyName [Description] c:\powercfg.exe –renamescheme SCHEME_BALANCED “OEM Balanced Scheme” “Balanced Scheme Description” Common Power Policy Configuration Tasks Export a power scheme Stores the contents of a power scheme on disk Power scheme can be imported on other systems Use to distribute custom power schemes across enterprise deployment c:\powercfg.exe –export FileName Scheme c:\powercfg.exe –export MyBalanced.pow SCHEME_BALANCED Common Power Policy Configuration Tasks Import a power scheme Restores a power scheme from a file containing an exported power scheme Allows IT, OE


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