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PAGE 本科毕业论文(设计)模板 本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目:我国创业板市场的运行状况及及对策分析 学生姓名: 莫秋霞 学 号: 0701150225 专 业: 金融学 班 级: 金融0702班 指导教师: 李 忠 民 完成日期: 2011年 05月 19日 我国创业板市场的运行状况及其对策分析 内 容 摘 要 本文系统的介绍了创业板市场的运行状况,奠定了本文的理论基础;并叙述了我国创业板市场运行中的问题及提出解决对策。目前创业板市场在国家对创业板正确的定位和全方位的机制保障下,已有意味着成功过半的良好起步,为我国经济长期、健康、稳定发展提供切实有效的金融支持和服务。然而创业板市场在提供大量机会的同时也面对着巨大的风险,分析创业板市场主要呈现的“三高”、超募资金使用不当及上市公司治理监管不善等问题,探析有效的应对措施包括完善定价机制、上市公司的治理结构和加强监管,保证创业板市场健康有序地发展,具有非常重要的理论意义和现实意义。 关键词:创业板市场 运行状况 退市制度 监管体制 The gem market operation status in China and the countermeasures analysis Abstract This paper systematically introduces the operation status of the growth enterprise market, which laid a theoretical foundation of this paper; and describes the gem market of operational problems in China and proposes the solution countermeasure.At present in the national gem market of gem the correct localization and comprehensive mechanism safeguard, there are over half of good existing started for our country economy long-term ,healthy and stable development provide effective financial support and service. However the gem market in providing plenty of opportunity of also faced huge risks, and analysis of the gem market main presents three-high, super funds raised use undeserved and poor governance of listed company, regulatory measures including probing effective pricing mechanism, perfect the corporate governance structure of a company and strengthening the supervision of the gem market, guarantee the healthy and orderly development, have very important theoretical significance and practical significance. Key words:Gem market Operation state Delisting system Regulation system 目 录 序言…………………………………………………………………… 1 一、创业板市场运行现状的概述…………………………………… 1 (一)创业板的基本概述…………………………………………… 1 1.我国创业板市场的特点………………………………………… 1 2.我国创业板设立的重要性和作用……………………………… 2 (二)我国创业板市场的运行状况………………………………… 3 1.总体现状简述……………………………


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