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cannot help but friends 原句: I couldn’t help but overhear what you just said, and I think it’s time for you to forget about Rose, move on with your life. 我听到你刚说的话,我想你也该把罗丝抛在脑后了,继续你的生活。 解析:这里面的短语can’t (couldn’t) help but是口语中常用的表达方式之一,在本集中也多次出现。它的英文释义为to have no choice except to do something,可以翻译成“禁不住”“不得不”“无奈做某事”等意思。在这句之前,Monica看到Susan婚礼的温馨场面就跟Ross说好感动,Ross当时也回了一句I can’t help but,就表示“我不禁很羡慕”“很感动”这个意思。再来看两个相关的例句。 例句: We couldnt help but doze off during his lecture. 他演讲时我们不得不打瞌睡。 Due to the present price level, we cannot help but adjust our offer. 由于目前的价格情况,我方不得不调整报价。 下面的经典台词希望大家都能够流利地背诵下来哦! 老友记经典台词 1.00:05:57,050 -- 00:06:00,210 Little did she know God thought, “okay, but thats it. 她怎么会想到上帝在想:“好,到此为止了” 00:06:03,950 -- 00:06:06,720 Oh, but the weirdest thing was... 但是最诡异的事情是… (Little did she know是一个常用的倒装用法,意思是“她根本不知道…”例如:Little did she know that her husband and her puppy love were best of friends. 她对自己丈夫知道的不多,她的初恋成了他最好的朋友。再如:Little did he know hed make it into the history books, and is remembered every five years or so around this time. 他大概没有预料到自己的行为写到了历史书中,并且过上三、五年就会有人拿来做文章。) 2.00:08:43,320 -- 00:08:46,740 -Really. -Yes. Lets make a day of it. 真的。 好吧,让我们狂欢一下。 00:08:46,920 -- 00:08:51,480 Well have lunch, shop, get our nails done. Whatever you want. 我们可以一起吃午饭,逛街,做指甲。想干嘛干嘛。 (make a day of it 的意思是“(痛快地)玩它一整天”。例句:Take the family and friends along and make a day of it!花一整天的时间和家人朋友聚在一起。此外,make a day of it 的意思还可以是“花整天时间…”例如:If you don’t like the idea of giving money then make a day of it and take them shopping. 如果你不喜欢送钱的这种方式,你可以腾出一天的时间来带他们去购物买一些他们需要的东西。) 3. 00:16:59,450 -- 00:17:00,790 Joey, speed it up! 乔伊,加快速度! 00:17:01,060 -- 00:17:04,920 Im sorry! Its the pigs! Theyre reluctant to get in the blanket! 抱歉!是猪的问题!它们死活不肯进“毯子”! (speed it up的意思是“加快速度”,例句:We arent trying to speed it up anymore, we will let it grow based on the amount of time we can all contribute, he says.我们不再试图加快该项目的进度,我们会基于我们所能贡献的时间来让该项目顺其自然地成长。第二句中的be reluctant to 的意思是“不愿意、不情愿做某事”,例如:European negotiators kn


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