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融科 未来城 概念规划 ;;;区域发展机遇 Positioning National level Liaoning Province coastal development focus Key connection between the Northeast China and Shandong Peninsula across the Bohai Bay 国家层面的城市定位发展机遇; 辽宁沿海经济带的核心城市; 西拓北进和东部沿海大通道的重要节点; 东北振兴的龙头东北亚国际航运中心 2. 产业机遇 Development Opportunities Dalian is at a critical pivot point in the development of new industries. Raycom (Lenovo) has the great potential to lead this transformation and become a core of the regional coastal development. Strong synergies exist with the adjacent high tech districts and the Dalian Tiandi Software Park, creating an opportunity for a new Eco-City that can operate independently from the existing core of Dalian. 提升产业层级实现结构转型形成区域核心 大连高新技术产业未来形成统一、相对独立的产业空间 加强与沿海经济带及东北腹地的产业合作 联系大连天地软件园,形成贯南北产业功能轴。 地理和交通机遇 Location Advantage The site is located in the center of the new Eco-City Excellent access to regional transportation: High-speed rail; new airport, highway connection, subway, etc. 生态科技创新城的空间焦点 高铁车站、周水子国际机场、未来新机场、沈海高速等多种交通汇聚,地铁 环境资源优势 Unique environmental assets Shi Mountain, forest park, topography and ravines, reservoir 石山,森林公园,地形及山谷,水库等;树立核心区意向 Need to establish a clear identity of a city center Urban function core, activity core, service core, landscape core and transition core 五核心:功能中心,活力中心,服务中心,景观中心,交通中心 不利环境因素 Environmental concerns Deforestation habitat loss, steep slopes erosion, degraded drainage corridors pollution 林地破碎栖息地丧失,水文破坏严重,溪流污染,水系水景匮乏,陡坡及水土流失, 基地限制 Site limitations 展示面有限,土羊高速横穿基地,明珠路将基地一分为二,公共交通匮乏 Limited roadway frontage, Tuyang Highway divides the site, limited accessibility, bisected site , lack of public transportation;;;;;;;;;%;Site sits over the ridge of two regional watersheds collecting minimal surface runoff from surrounding site upper watershed Feasible for full stormwater control and BMP in a self sustained future city 基地横跨两个大流域间的山脊,从上游进入基地的地表径流非常少。从而使未来城可以完全控制和利用雨洪,成为一个独立可持续的系统。 ;Restoration Stream restoration and riparian buffer Re-establishment


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