课件:肺结核 英文.ppt

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课件:肺结核 英文.ppt

THANK YOU SUCCESS * * 可编辑 可编辑 可编辑 Pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核病 Speaker:临床医学2010级10中班 陈巧 3100103489 Tuberculosis definition Tuberculosis is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis It is a chronic infectious diseases, involvement of the whole body visceral organs Lin daiyu Due to illness and charming. Due to illness and beauty. Lin daiyu According to the description of the novel, Lin daiyu was a kind of chronic disease. The disease mainly displayed cough, sputum and any number of hemoptysis. Pulmonary Tuberculosis!!! Pulmonary tuberculosis Cause Source of infection Transmission way Susceptible population Clinical manifestations How to prevent and control Cause :tubercle bacillus Tubercle bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistance to acid dyed red. Resistance is strong, in dry sputum can survive in half a year. Slow growing, training should be 2 -- 8 weeks to form obvious colony. Source of infection The main source for the spread of tuberculosis is mainly secondary tuberculosis patients The size of the infectious depends on how much the amount of bacteria in the sputum. Transmission way Mycobacterium tuberculosis spread mainly through the cough, spray whoosh, laugh, talk loudly. Droplet transmission is the most important means of transmission of tuberculosis. THANK YOU SUCCESS * * 可编辑 Susceptible population In addition to genetic factors , still include the life to poverty, living crowded, malnutrition and other social factors The elderly, HIV infections, immune inhibitor users and chronic disease are all tuberculosis’ susceptible population Clinical manifestations Systemic tuberculosis poisoning symptoms: such as the afternoon hot flash, lack of power, decreased appetite, night sweats. Respiratory symptoms: cough, sputum, chest pain, coughing up blood, shortness of breath. 1、 Exudative lesion(渗出性病变): 2、Proliferative lesion(增殖型病变): 3、Caseation(干酪性坏死): How to preve


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