2017最励志的英语句子 [2017年高中毕业给同学的英语句子].docVIP

2017最励志的英语句子 [2017年高中毕业给同学的英语句子].doc

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2017最励志的英语句子 [2017年高中毕业给同学的英语句子]   毕业了,朋友一生一起走,哪些日子不再有。一句话,一辈子;一生情,一杯酒。愿你们永远开心!下面由小编为大家整理的2017年高中毕业给同学的英语句子,欢迎阅读!  2017年高中毕业给同学的英语句子精彩版   1. Pik days, greenery, hands to see, actually speechless. Yesterday was a dream, a moon today, according to the two places. A school with students, do not have sad tears, End of the World keep friends, online chat.   2. catch the youth of the tail, unable to retain the back of time. Hastily, four years have passed; quietly, has increased the number of dismay. Wish you the way to go wider, happy life forever.   3. Youth is the first surging song, singing is happiness, happiness, joy, is wonderful! Aftertaste of four years time, is very beautiful! In the forthcoming days will send my heartfelt blessing: May all of you all well!   4. Then a blink of an eye, but in an instant, four years time had finished. Let us gently say goodbye, let us look back and look, we would like to always keep the happy moment.   5. Nostalgia that green tree-lined trail, nostalgia that quiet atmosphere of learning, nostalgia that passionate campus life, nostalgia that familiar laughter. Goodbye to my college life! Goodbye my classmate friends! Goodbye my beloved teacher!   6. Have had laughter, there were tears; had disputes, there have been friction; had wonderful, had lost; had anxious, there have been joy. And all this will be fleeting, goodbye to my college days! I will always treasure it all!   7. University for four years, the biggest harvest is not a book of knowledge, but know you like-minded friends, although the separation of the future do not know where, but our hearts are always together, will always be friends!   8 youth surging campus, happy happy paradise, passionate flying time, hastily passed away years. We will soon embark on their own journey, goodbye! Dear students, I hope you take care, all the way downwind!   9. University is the same manor, we are just passing. Whether it is the situation or frustrations, put aside the out


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