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The story behind 《Canon 》 《卡农》背后的故事 “卡农”并不是曲子的名字,而是一种音乐曲式,Canon——复调音乐的一种,原意为“规律”。一个声部的曲调自始至终追逐着另一声部,直到最后……最后的一个小结,最后的一个和弦,它们会融合在一起,永不分离。缠绵极至的音乐,就像两个人生死追随。 Canon - a kind of polyphony, meaning law. The tune of a voice sound throughout the Ministry of chasing another, until finally ... ... a summary of the final, the last chord, they will be together, never apart. Lingering extreme music, like life and death of two people to follow. 永恒的经典旋律 Timeless classic melody   有很多人喜欢卡农,卡农的魅力在于百听不厌,让人心情舒畅,而且还可以缓解压力。百年来,被变换百首的卡农,从不退场。也许这就是它的魅力所在。 There are many people like Canon, Canons charm lies in the worth hearing a hundred, people feel comfortable, but also ease the pressure. For centuries, the cards are transformed one hundred , never exit. Perhaps this is its charm . “卡农”是现今为止最受全世界的喜爱的古典音乐作品。据统计,到目前为止世界上重新演绎的卡农版本达2000余种!如果帕海贝尔还在世的话,可能是全世界版税收入最高的音乐家。   一首好听的歌曲,一定有深厚的感情蕴含在里面。卡农这么受欢迎,大家知道它的背后有一段感人的爱情故事吗?让我们听着各种卡农,来细细品味它背后的故事。 故事的主人公 Johann Pachelbel 《D大调卡农》 的作者 帕赫贝尔 Johann Pachelbel Pachelbel在他10几岁的时候,流浪到英国被英国 一个小村庄的琴师收养,之后他天天听那个他弹琴,也学会了钢琴。 When Pachelbel was in his 10-teens, wandering to the UK and he was adopted by a music master in a small village, after that he learned the piano.  在他们旁边的镇上上有一个女孩子叫Barbara Gabler,家里有钱有势,Barbara Gabler也是镇上最漂亮的女孩,自从到教堂听Pachelbel弹的曲子,就爱上了他。很多有钱人上门向Barbara Gabler提亲都被拒绝了,因为Barbara Gabler心里只喜欢Pachelbel。 But the shy girl didn’t dare to declare to Pachelbel, then Barbara find a reason, saying that there going to learn the piano with Pachelbel, she said that she loved his music, hoping to study with him.   But Barbara’s purpose was not playing, and therefore almost not concentrated on the piano, spending by Pachelbel repeatedly scold, But she was still with Pachelbel, hope Pachelbel can understand her own heart. Finally one day Pachelbel said: you go now, you really dont suit the piano. And you dont like piano.


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