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内容简要 Paraphrase P18 (1)~(4) P26 (1)~(5) p45 (1)~(6) P51 (1)~(3) Defination Prometheus Pandora’s Box Apollo Trojan War Garden of Eden Adam/Eve Noah’s Ark(Great Flood) The tower of Babel God’s creation Moses/The Exodus The ten Commandments Jesus Christ 简答、论述题。 第一部分 Prometheus Prometheus is a selfless,brave and great god ,he loves human more than the god. After the creation of the world,he was very pound of his handiwork,he observed man and longed to bestow upon him some great power,unshared by any other creatures,which would rasie him far above any other creatures Fire alone in his estimation,could effect this,long he pondered this matter and finally determined to obtain fire,but fire was the special possession of the gods which also the gods would never willing to share with man.Prometheus risk his life obtain it.Unfortunately,Zeus knew the truth,he was extremly angry and vowed to punish the prometheus with out mercy. Pandora’s Box :pandora was the first woman fashioned on earth and endowed with some special charm by the gods on Mount Olympus.She was a tool of Zeus to punish mankind for their acceptance of the heavenly fire .First ,she was taken to Prometheus as a gift by Hermes,but he knew that there was nothing good from god,so he refused to accept her.Then she was given to Epimetheus as a gift, One day,Pandora opened the box,Zeus sent deliberately which filled with all the diseases,sorrows,vices and crimes,that afflict poor humanity,but the box also contained some good spirit,and it could heal the wound and though evil entered into world,brought untold misery,hope followed closely in its footsteps to aid struggling humanity,and point to a happier future. The Ten Commandments You shall have no other gods before Me You shall not make idols or bow down to them,nor serve them You shall not use the name of the Lord your God disrespectfully. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Honor your


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