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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 2015-2016学年小升初测试卷一 (时长80min, 总分100分) 校区__________ 姓名____________总分_____________ 一、音标。选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词 (5分) ( ) 1. A. baby B. day C.says D. cake ( ) 2. A. right D. live ( ) 3. A. coat B. lot C.know D. hole ( ) 4. A. how B. row C. now D. house ( ) 5. A. hour B. hear C. hair D. he 二、选择题。 (15分) ( ) 1. My sister is two years ______ than me. old B. older C. the older ( ) 2. Our classroom is brighter than ___________. your B. yours C. you ( ) 3. Tony feels very _______ because he failed his English test. happy B. excited C. sad ( ) 4. How did Betty _______ home yesterday? went B. got C. go ( ) 5. My father ______ to Beijing last Sunday. flew B. fly C. flies ( ) 6. Tom ______ shopping with his mom at weekends. doesn’t go B. don’t go C. isn’t go ( ) 7. The students often go back to school ________ Sunday evening. in B. on C. at ( ) 8.________ are you going to London with? My grandma. Who B.What C. Where ( ) 9. ________________. Where is the post office? Thanks. B. Nice to meet you. C. Excuse me. ( ) 10. I’m hungry. Please bring me some _________. books B. chairs C. cakes ( ) 11. The Whites _________ Guangzhou next week. visit B. visited C.are going to visit ( ) 12. Is there a trash bin near here? Yes, it is. B. No, there isn’t. C. Yes, there are. ( ) 13. Where _______ you just now? I _______ in the playground. are, were B. did, was C. were, was ( ) 14. I want to _________. It is fun! go camping B. going camping C. go camp ( ) 15. Listen! Who ________ in the room? sings singing C. sing 三、根据中文写出单词的正确形



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