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Ⅰ 武汉理工大学毕业设计(论文) 电动车充电桩充电导航技术研究 学院(系): 自动化学院 专业班级: 电气专业1201班 学生姓名: 指导教师: 摘 要 电动汽车产业对于我国来说,无论是在追赶世界级工业水平、还是在应对能源短缺挑战都是一次重大、重要的发展机遇。大力推广和普及电动汽车,将其从电动公交和公司集团用车延伸到面向广大用户,将有力推进新能源的发展。但是在这一进程中有两大制约因素,一个是动力电池,一个是充电设施。 本论文主要就充电设施供不应求这一点,对智能充电导航系统的无线通信技术展开研究,设计一款智能无线通信模块,实时接收充电桩的充电信息,并将信息通过WIFI技术发送给云平台服务器,再由服务器计根据车主手机客户端所在方位测算出最佳充电地点,并发给手机客户端。 本论文主要分析各种有线通信和无线通信技术的优缺点,并进行比较确定采用WIFI通信技术,并就充电桩网络接入、服务器数据处理、用户端APP进行了相应的方案设计,及其系统硬件框架设计,同时详细阐述了所实现的功能。 关键词:电动汽车;无线通信;WIFI;APP Ⅱ Abstract   Electric vehicle industry for our country, both in the industry catch up with world-class level, or in response to energy shortages are a major challenge, significant opportunities for development. To promote and popularize electric cars, electric buses and its group of companies from extending into the car for the majority of users will greatly promote the development of new energy sources. But there are two major constraints in this process, it is a battery, a charging facility.   This thesis will demand that the charging facility for charging navigation system intelligent wireless communication technology to expand the research, design an intelligent wireless communication module, receive real-time charging information Charging pile, and the information is sent to the cloud through WIFI technology platform server, then counted by the server according to the owner mobile client where the position is estimated the best charging location, and send mobile client.   This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of wired and wireless communication technology, and compared to determine the use of WIFI communications technology, and to charge pile network access server data processing, client APP for the corresponding program design, and system hardware framework design, and elaborated the functions implemented. Key Words:electric car;Wireless communication;WIFI;app Ⅲ 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \t \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc20257 第1章 绪论


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