凯悦酒店 如何进入客房 14 How to enter a Guest Room.pptVIP

凯悦酒店 如何进入客房 14 How to enter a Guest Room.ppt

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Objective(目标) By the end of this Session, our Objective is to ensure that you have learned “How to enter a Guest Room” with Confidence, and according to our Defined Standards. 在本次课程结束后,我们的目标是确保你们学会依照凯悦的标准“如何进入客房”。 Any Questions? 有什么问题吗? 1. Approach the Guest Room (走近客房) What do we need to ensure before ringing the Bell? 我们要确保什么在按门铃之前? Check Grooming 检查仪表 Maintain good Body Posture 保持良好的姿势 Check Room Number 核对房间号码 2. Ring the Door Bell (按门铃) How many times should we ring the Bell? 我们应该按几次门铃? Once 一次 What if the Guest does not respond after 30 seconds? 三十秒后客人没有回应怎么办? Ring again 再按一次 2. Ring the Door Bell (按门铃) What if the Guest does not respond after the third ring? 按三次门铃后客人还没有回应怎么办? Call Room Service Order Taker to verify order and await instructions at house phone 给送餐部听单员打电话核对点单,等候说明 3. Announce your Arrival(通告你的到达) What do we need to say? 我们需要说什么? “Room Service” 送餐部 How do we announce our arrival? 如何通告我们的到达? Clearly 清晰 With a friendly tone 亲和的语调 4. Wait for the Guest to open the Door (等待客人开房门) Where should we stand while waiting? 等待的时候我们应该站在哪里? In direct view of the Peep Hole 在猫眼的前方 Approximately 0.6 meter away 大约0.6米远 4. Wait for the Guest to open the Door (等待客人开房门) Why should we stand at the prescribed spot? 为什么我们应该站在指定的位置? Enable Guest to verify our identity 让客人能确认我们的身份 Standing 0.6 meter away would enable Guest to view our entire self 站在0.6米远的地方可以让客人完整的看到我们 5. Guest opens the Door (客人开房门) What do we need to say? 我们应该讲什么? “Good morning/afternoon/evening Mr. / Ms____ ,your Room Service Order” 上午/下午/晚上好,——先生/小姐,您的送餐。 5. Guest opens the Door (客人开房门) What do we need to do? 我们要做什么? Assist Guest opening the Door with your right hand 用右手帮助客人开门 If we are carrying a Tray keep balance 保持托盘的平衡,如果拿着托盘 5. Guest opens the Door (客人开房门) If pushing the Trolley,Position ourselves in front of the Trolley and guide the Trolley into the room while keeping view of direction in which we a


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