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Table of contents 目录 I) Wine making process II) Main wine regions France (Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne) Classification Italy (Piedmont, Tuscany, Veneto) Classification Spain (Rioja, Catalonia) classification Table of contents 目录 II Wine making process 葡萄酒酿造程序 Red Wine Making Process 红葡萄酒酿制过程 Red grapes are first crushed and de-stemmed, then placed into a container. 红葡萄 先去梗压榨,然后放入容器 The alcoholic fermentation will start, at the same time maceration is taking place 接下来,酒精发酵就开始了,浸渍也在同步进行 During that time the tannins, flavors and coloring substances will dissolve into what is going to become wine (the must). 在此期间,丹宁、香味及颜色等物质逐渐溶解入即将产生的葡萄酒中。 White Wine Making Process 白葡萄酒酿制过程 Rosé Wine Making Process 玫瑰葡萄酒酿制过程 During a second fermentation, yeast converts sugar into alcohol and gas (Co2)在第二次发酵过程中,酵母把糖份转化为酒精和气体(二氧化碳) 3 methods / 种方法 Second Fermentation in Bottle 瓶中二次发酵 The Traditional Method, used for the production of champagne and fine sparkling wines: 传统的酿造方法,用于制作香槟和比较好的汽泡酒。 A mixture of wine, sugar and yeast is added to the still wine and will set off a further fermentation in the bottle to create the sparkle. 把葡萄酒、糖和酵母的混合物加入一般葡萄酒中,会在瓶中引起第二次发酵产生汽泡。 Tank Method Carbonation 桶中二次发酵二氧化碳法 Tank Method: (or Charmat method) Dry base wine is placed together with sugar and yeast in a sealed tank, then the second fermentation takes place. 桶中发酵:将静止干葡萄酒作为基酒,加入糖和酵母,放入密封的酒桶中进行二次发酵。 Chief Advantage: a much lower cost, but quality cannot match the traditional method 主要优点:成本大幅度降低,但是难以达到传统方法酿制的质量。 Carbonation: artificially added bubbles. Very inexpensive but low quality 二氧化碳法:人工加入汽泡,非常便宜,但是质量较低。 Fortified Wines 加强葡萄酒 Wines in which grape based spirit is added either after the fermentation or during the fermentation. 在发酵后或发酵过程中,加入由白兰地 This operation is called the fortification of the wine Examples: 1)Port (Fort



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