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城市化背景下的失地农民留地安置问题研究:以瑞安为例 摘 要 近年来,随着工业化、城市化快速发展,农村和城镇的土地被大量征用,失地农民越来越多,因征地引发的信访、上访等各种事件时有发生,成为社会的不稳定因素。为缓解征地过程中产生的社会矛盾, 弥补征地货币补偿标准偏低而无法维持失地农民正常生活水平的缺陷,瑞安市很早就采取了留地安置的方式变相提高了征地补偿标准,由此各征地村积聚了大量的安置留地,其陆续启动和建成,改善了农村居住条件,缩短了城乡差距,促进了经济社会发展,但同时也面临着一些安置留地指标推进缓慢甚至难以启动的困境。本文通过瑞安的留地安置实施现状的分析,以及近年来所面临的种种问题,提出相应的对策和建议,从而最大限度保护失地农民的合法权益。 关键词:征地;失地农民;留地安置;困境;对策 Abstract In recent years, with industrialization, rapid urbanization, rural and urban land is expropriated a large number of landless peasants more and more, various events have occurred letters, petitions, etc. caused due to land acquisition, destabilizing society. To mitigate the social conflicts generated in the process of land acquisition, land acquisition monetary compensation to make up for the low standard of landless peasants unable to maintain a normal standard of living defect, Ruian City has long taken a disguised way to stay positioned to improve the land requisition compensation standards, whereby each the accumulation of a large number of village land resettlement to stay, which were launched and completed, improve rural living conditions, reducing the gap between urban and rural areas, promoting the economic and social development, but it also faces a number of difficulties remain disposed to index the slow progress even harder to start . Analysis By leaving Ryan placed the status of implementation, as well as the problems faced in recent years, put forward countermeasures and suggestions to maximize the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of landless peasants. Key words: land; landless peasants; remain positioned; predicament; countermeasure 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 公共利益的需要,依法对农民集体所有土地实行 征收或征用,并给予被征地的所有权人、使用权人及其他权利人合理补偿安置的行为,是国家征地行为的前置条件和法定义务,是被征地农民的一种权利救济方式。 失地农民是指在快速工业化、城市化过程中,政府通过行使法定的土地征用权,把大量属于农村集体所有、家庭联产承包经营的部分或全部土地转化为国家所有而失去土地的农民。农民失去土地后,既有别于农民,又不同于城市居民,成为一个边缘群体。 留地安置也称安置留地、留用地安置,是指政府因建设需要,在征用集体土地时,按照征地面积的一定比例核定留用地指标,主要作为农民生活用地,或用于被征地集体经济组织发展第二、三产业,以安置失地农民的征地安置方式。它最早产生于1980年代中期深圳特区成


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