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PAGE 汽车离合器设计毕业设计 摘 要 本设计主要分析了膜片弹簧离合器,对膜片弹簧离合器进行了分类,阐述了膜片弹簧离合器的原理和组成,及其特性。通过详细的推导过程积累了大量的数据,并成功的绘制出了膜片弹簧离合器的成品图。叙述了离合器的发展现状,和它的工作原理,在此过程中,经过对比结合,初步确定了合适的离合器结构形式,选取了拉式膜片弹簧离合器,并且带有扭转减振器,为后面的计算提供了理论基础。 在计算中,首先确定摩擦片外径尺寸,然后根据该尺寸对其他部件总成进行了计算和设计。通过计算校核摩擦片外径尺寸,计算选择出其他部件的外形尺寸,再对其进行校核,确定是否能达到设计要求。设计包括对从动盘总成的设计校核,对压盘的设计校核,对离合器盖的设计校核及离合器盖的设计校核和优化。具体设计计算了摩擦片、扭转减振器、膜片弹簧、压盘、离合器盖、传动片等多个部件总成 在上述工作完成之后,通过计算机Pro/E软件的学习运用,对离合器总体装配图、从动盘总成、压盘、膜片弹簧、摩擦片进行了绘制,在绘制的过程中对离合器的装配又有了进一步的理解,并且完善了计算部分的遗漏。 这次的设计,可以对原有离合器的设计提出优化和修改的建议,对其以后的设计过程起参考作用。通过这次设计达到了优化改进原有离合器,提高该型汽车使用性,舒适性,并提高了汽车的工作效率的目的。 关键词:离合器、从动盘、膜片弹簧、Pro/E Abstract Analysis of the design of the main diaphragm spring clutch, the diaphragm spring clutch classified on the clutch diaphragm spring principle and the composition and characteristics. Derived through a detailed process of the accumulation of a large amount of data and to map out the success of the diaphragm spring clutch of the finished map. Describes the development of the clutch, and its working principle, in the process, after comparison with the right to determine the initial structure of the clutch, select the pull-type diaphragm spring clutch, and a reverse shock absorber for the back calculation provides a theoretical basis. In the calculation, first determine the size diameter friction plate, and then according to the size of other parts assembly and design is calculated. Check by calculating the friction plate diameter size, calculated to select the size of other components, and then check them to see whether it can meet the design requirements. Design including the design of the driven disc assembly verification, the design of the pressure plate check on the clutch cover, clutch cover design verification and design verification and optimization. Calculation of the specific design of the friction plate, reversing the shock absorber, diaphragm spring, pressure plate, clutch cover, transmission components, such as chip assembly After completion of the above work,


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