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PAGE Module l How to learn English 课型:语法课 【学习目标】 1.复习一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时和现在进行时这四种时态; 2.能掌握提出建议的表达方式; How about…? Why don’t you…? It’s a good idea to… You should… Try to… 等; 【课前准备】 1.学生课前齐读本模块的词汇; 2.两人一组检查词汇掌握情况; 【学习过程】 1.复习四种时态 ⑴观察四组句子。 A①He usually goes to school by bike. ②I want to remember all the new words. ③Mary likes watching English films. ④Lily is shy .She can’t speak in front of the class. ⑤The sun rises in the east. B①It snowed heavily last night. ②I was in Beijing before I came here. C①I’m going to work hard this years. ②I’ll write that down in my study diary. ③We well build another library next year. D①Who is she writing the email to? ②Are you enjoying your stay in China? ⑵小组交流讨论后,总结发现的规律。 时态 构成 经常出现的词 A B C D 2.专项训练。 ⑴汉译英 ①玛丽每天都写日记。 ②月亮绕着地球转。 ③假期里,我看了一部非常好的电影。 ④明天我去找你谈谈有关新计划的事。 ⑤莉莉正在愉快地唱歌。 ⑵小组交流,使用不同的时态描述暑假活动、新学期打算等等。 3.展示新知识 ⑴小组讨论总结表示提建议的日常用语。 ⑵就小组成员的问题或困难提出建议。 4.跟踪训练。 A用should/ shouldn’t完成句子。 ⑴When you learn a new word ,you repeat it. ⑵Students talk when the teacher is talking. ⑶You come to class late. ⑷You always check our homework before you give it to your teacher. ⑸When your teacher gives you back your homework ,you correct your mistakes. ⑹Young people go to bed too late. B玛丽想保持苗条的身材,请给她一些建议。 ⑴Why don’t you (eat)more fruit and vegetables? ⑵Try (go)to bed early and (get)up early. ⑶How about (do)some housework at home? ⑷Remember (drink)more water. ⑸It’s a good idea (do)some sports every day. ⑹You should (say)goodbye to some sweets. ⑺Try (not eat)too much each meal. ⑻Why not (learn)to dance? C.用所给词的正确形式填空。 ⑴Why not ______(join) us and fight against them? ⑵They tried_____(complete)the project on time. ⑶Should I______(help)him with his homework? ⑷How about _____(wait)for a short while? ⑸What ___you_____(think)about now? ⑹I wish you______(learn)English well. ⑺We had fun_____( camp)in the mountain. ⑻They dislike_______(go)fishing. ⑼Why ______(not)


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