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《癌症进展》杂志编辑部 恶性间皮瘤的诊断现状 王宏羽 # 张湘茹 屈风莲 储大同 孙 燕 中国医学科学院 中国协和医科大学 肿瘤医院内科,北京 100021 摘要 恶性间皮瘤指来源于间质的所有的恶性弥散性原发肿瘤,包括间皮细胞或成纤 维细胞样的部分间皮细胞。恶性间皮瘤最常见的原发部位为胸膜,其次为腹膜、心包膜及生 殖系统。恶性胸膜间皮瘤非觉罕见,多发于男性,在所有胸膜恶性肿瘤中占2%~5%。70%~ 80%患者的致病原因与石棉接触史有关。典型的症状、体征为、呼吸困难、胸痛及胸腔积液。 如侵及内脏,生存时间为 1~9 个月,未侵及内脏,生存时间为9~12 个月。腹膜及心包膜 的恶性间皮瘤更罕见,恶性腹膜间皮瘤典型的症状、体征为腹痛、腹胀、呕吐、呼吸困难、 体重下降、有或无腹部肿块及腹腔积液。诊断依靠外科镜检、免疫组织化学和电镜技术,并 与其他肿瘤如腺癌进行鉴别诊断。CT 及MRI 检查有助于决定肿瘤精确分期或能否手术切除。 组织学上通常分为上皮 (或间皮)型、肉瘤样型和混合型。分别占50%、34%及 16%。上皮 型的生存时间明显延长。恶性间皮瘤不论采用何种治疗方式,大多数患者的生存时间不超过 12 个月。从发病初期出现症状到死亡的中位生存时间为5.8~6.18 个月,未治疗的患者中位 生存时间为4~18 个月。 关键词 恶性间质皮瘤 诊断 中图分类号 R730.262. R730.6 文献标识码 A Recent developments of diagnosis for malignant mesothelioma Wang Hongyu Zhang Xiangru Qu Fenglian ,et al Cancer InstituteHospital, CAMSPUMC,Beijing100021 ,China Abstract Malignant mesothelioma (MM )is now used for all diffuse malignant primary tumors that de-velop from the mesenchyma ,whether mesothelial or fibroblasticalike submethelial cells.The major primary site is of pleural origin ,followed by peritoneal,pericardium and tunica vaginalis.The malignant pleural mesothe-lioma (MPM)is a rare,male predominant cancer MPM accouting for no more tha2%to5%or all pleural malignancies.Asbestos exposure is the cause in70%~80%cases.The most MPM patients typically present with dyspnea,chest pain ,or pleural effusion.The expected survival range for patients with of without involve-ment of visceral pleura is respectively1~9and9~12months.Peritoneal and pericaridal malignant mesotheli-oma are much less common.Patients with peritoneal malignant mesothelioma who presented with diffuse abdom-inal pain ,abdominal enlargement ,vomitus ,dyspnea ,weight loss ,with or without a palpable abdominal mass and ascites.Histologically ,epithelial cell type is the majority (50% ), followed by sarcomatous (34% )and biph


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