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PAGE 50 毕业论文 On Translation of Scenic Attractions — How to Produce Attractive Effect 学 院: 外国语学院 专 业: 姓 名: 指导老师: 英语 梁洁冰 学 号: 职 称: 0810203016 王家洋 讲 师 中国·珠海 二○一○ 年 五 月 北京理工大学珠海学院毕业论文 诚信承诺书 本人郑重承诺:我所呈交的毕业论文On Translation of Scenic Attractions – How to Produce Attractive Effect 《试谈旅游景点翻译》是在指导教师的指导下,独立开展研究取得的成果,文中引用他人的观点和材料,均在文后按顺序列出其参考文献,论文使用的数据真实可靠。 承诺人签名: 日期: 年 月 日 北京理工大学珠海学院2010届本科生毕业论文 PAGE II On Translation of Scenic Attractions – How to Produce Attractive Effect ABSTRACT Tourism is a booming industry which has given rise to the need attractive translation of scenic spots. The prosperous development of tourist industry not only means foreigners travel to China, but also Chinese visit abroad. When traveling around, visitors will come across many problems such as language misunderstanding or culture gaps. Translation plays a main role in people enjoying scenic attractions. Translation of public signs in scenic spots, advertisement of tourism, and food in places of interest is necessary in most cases. The main functions of public signs in scenic spots are: providing adequate information or arousing travelers’ interest. However, many existing translations are not satisfactory. Various problems exist. And some advertising may lose interest when translated into another language. This paper analyzes the features of English translation for scenic spots. As we know, the rapid development of tourism industry attracts more foreigners to China, which entails higher requirements for English interpretation in scenic spots. The aim lies in conveying cultural information, attracting foreign tourists and promoting their interest in traveling to China. Furthermore, this paper provides some possible solutions to the translation problems, which are based on Nida’ functional equivalence theory. There are five chapters in this paper. Cha


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