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PAGE PAGE 攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) 绪论 攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) PLC在含油污水过滤流程控制的应用 攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) 摘 要 PAGE I 摘 要 油田污水是石油开采过程中的一种伴生产物。油田污水在经过加药后沉降、过滤能实现污水的无害化,使油田污水得到妥善处理,减少了石油开采对环境的污染。随着科学技术的发展,自动化程度要求越来越高,原有的污水处理装置远远不能满足当前高度自动化的需要。减轻劳动强度,保障生产的可靠性、安全性,降低生产成本,减少环境污染,提高产品的质量及经济效益是企业生产所必须面临的重大问题。然而PLC是集成自动控制技术、计量技术、新传感器技术、计算机管理技术于一体的机电一体化产品;充分利用计算机技术对生产过程进行集中监视、控制管理和分散控制;充分吸收了分散式控制系统和集中控制系统的优点,采用标准化、模块化、系统化设计,配置灵活、组态方便。 本论文是利用Controllogix系统的PLC来控制沉降罐、过滤罐的过滤流程,利用传感器来检测罐内压力,并结合图形来叙述,简单易懂,而且检测装置也很方便,从而保证了过滤过程的精确控制,从而提高污水处理效率,也取得了很好的经济效益。 关键词 Controllogix PLC,沉降,过滤 攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) ABSTRACT PAGE III ABSTRACT Oilfield waste water is an associated product of the oil extraction process.Oilfield waste water in the settlement after dosing, filtering wastewater harmless, and proper handling of the oilfield wastewater, reducing pollution of oil exploitation on the environment. With the development of science and technology, degree of automation is becoming more demanding, the transport device is far from being able to meet the current needs of the highly automated. Reduce labor intensity and protect the reliability of production, safety, and reduce production costs, reduce environmental pollution, and improve product quality and economic efficiency is the major issues facing the production must be. However, PLC is integrated automatic control technology, measurement technology, new sensor technology, computer technology in one of the mechanical and electrical integration products; take full advantage of computer technology for centralized monitoring, control, management and distributed control of the production process; fully absorbed the distributed control system and the advantages of centralized control systems, use of standardized, modular, systematic design, flex



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