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呕吐 3 例,吻合口瘘 1 例,咽喉部不适 4 例,肺部感染 2 例。比较观察组与对
照组的并发症发生率分别为 10.0%和 33.3%,两组间差异有统计学意义(X2=4.81,
⑴留置空肠造口营养管组比留置鼻空肠营养管组,胃肠功能 (肛门排气时间 和排便时间)恢复更快。
⑵留置空肠造口营养管组比留置鼻空肠营养管组,营养及免疫指标(总白蛋 白、白蛋白、前白蛋白、淋巴细胞计数及肌酐)恢复更快。
⑷空肠造口穿刺装置的营养支持在胃癌根治术后能明显改善患者的营养状 态,有较高的安全性和有效性。
关键词:肠内营养 空肠造口置管 胃癌根治术
Enteral nutrition by catheter jejunostomy in patients with gastric carcinoma after radical operation
Objective:Safety and efficacy of catheter jejunostomy nutrition support were evaluated in gastric carcinoma after radical operation.
Methods: Collected from June 2010 to July 2012 in the first clinical hospital of shanxi medical university to 60 patients with gastric carcinoma after radical operation.These patients according to divided into the observation group and the control group, who were given enteral nutritional by jejunostomy or indwelling nasointestinal feeding tube, 30 cases in each group. Observation the two groups of the intestinal function recovery(the anus exhaust time and the anus bowel movement time); the length of hospital stay and the cost; the change of the lab index of the index of nutrition and immunity in the 1th day and the 7th day(total albumin, albumin, prealbumin, lymphocyte count, creatinine ); complication rate.
Results: ⑴Collected from June 2010 to July 2012 in the first clinical hospital of shanxi medical university to 60 patients with gastric carcinoma after radical operation.These patients according to divided into the observation group and the control group, who were given enteral nutritional by jejunostomy or indwelling nasointestinal feeding tube, 30 cases in each group.The observation group:10 patients
with total gastrectomy for gastric carcinoma,20 patients with partial gastrectomy ;18 male cases,12 female cases;The age ranged from 32 to 80 years old(average age 59.47±13.962).The control group: 13 patients with total gastrectomy for gastric carcinoma,17 pat
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