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PAGE 毕 业 设 计(论文) (说 明 书) PLC控制多层电梯系统的设计与研究 平顶山工业职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)说明书 PAGE PAGE I 平顶山工业职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)说明书 PAGE II 摘要 随着社会的发展和科技的进步,人们的生活生产也发生了日新月异的变化,电梯已经成为了各大城市不可取少的工具。尤其是在物质和精神需求不断增长的今天,电梯已经不仅仅是一种代步工具,在许多大型城市,它已经衍生出了各种各样的产品。而现代电梯所包含的科技和技术亦是前所未有的,计算机、自动控制和电力电子等新兴技术在电梯的制造中都有所体现。现如今比较常见的电梯大多由PLC代替原来的继电器进行逻辑控制,在调速方面也大多使用快捷稳定的变频器进行控制。 本次设计根据当今世界科技的发展趋势,将可编程序控制器(PLC)和变频器进行结合,通过合理的设计完成对电梯系统的控制,在可靠性,灵活性以及安全保护方面都有所提高。并且将乘坐时的舒适感也考虑到了设计当中,使得电梯达到了比较理想的水平。本设计所制造的电梯具有厅内外召唤、选层、楼层显示和警铃提醒等功能。 本设计分析介绍了电梯的基本结构,阐述了电梯的工作原理,并且对PLC程序的分析和设计进行了重点编写。整体大致分为硬件设计和软件设计两部分,并在论文的最后对电梯的发展进行了总结和展望。 关键词:电梯,PLC,变频器调速,梯形图 平顶山工业职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)说明书 PAGE IV Abstract With the social development and technological advances, peoples live and production have taken place changes with each passing day, the elevator has become important tool for cities. Especially in the growing material and spiritual needs of today, the elevator has not only a tool of transport in many large cities, it has been derived varieties of products. The modern elevator technology and techniques is also unprecedented, computer, automatic control and power electronics and other emerging technology in the manufacture of the elevator are reflected. Now most of the elevator replace the relay by the PLC logic control, the governor also mostly used to control fast and stable drive. This design based on technological trends in todays world, the programmable logic controller (PLC) and frequency control drive the integration of the design is completed through the rational control of the elevator system, in reliability, flexibility, and security aspects of the increased. And when the ride comfort is also taken into the design, making the elevator reached the ideal level. The design of the elevator produced by the Office of internal and external calls with the election floor, floor displays and alarms to remind the other functions. The design describes the basic structure of the elevator and the elevator works, and the PLC program for the ana


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