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PAGE PAGE 10 中文摘要 本文以马克思主义哲学为指导,从思维方式入手,探讨了科学发展观的思维 理念、思维形式和思维方法,旨在为人们自觉践行科学发展观提供学理支持和实 践参考。 首先,论述了科学发展观思维方式的哲学依据。马克思主义的发展哲学是科 学发展观思维方式的哲学基础;中国传统哲学的精华是科学发展观思维方式的思 想渊源;现代西方哲学中的合理成分是科学发展观思维方式的重要借鉴。其次, 阐述了科学发展观思维方式的基本内涵。科学发展观思维方式的核心理念是“以 人为本”;科学发展观的思维形式主要包括:辩证思维、和谐思维、系统思维; 科学发展的根本思维方法是“统筹兼顾”。总之,科学发展观思维方式是由“以 人为本”的核心思维理念,辩证思维、和谐思维、系统思维等思维形式,“统筹 兼顾”根本思维方法三部分构成的有机整体。再次,分析了科学发展观思维方式 的基本特点。科学发展观思维方式区别于传统思维方式的四个基本特征是科学 性、人本性、开放性、创新性。简言之,科学发展观思维方式体现了实践为基础 的科学性、人本性、开放性、创新性的有机统一。最后,从三个方面论述了科学 发展观思维方式的实践应用价值。 综上所述,本文从思维方式的层面解读科学发展观,体现了研究的深刻性; 初步构建了科学发展观思维方式的逻辑体系,具有创新性;结合实际阐释科学发 展观思维方式的基本内涵和特点,具有实用性。 关键词:科学发展观;思维方式;思维理念;思维形式;思维方法 On Mode of Thinking in Scientific Thought of Development Abstract Starting with mode of thinking, this thesis have explore the ideas, forms and means of thinking in terms of scientific thought of development under the guidance of Marxist philosophy, with the view to provide academic support and practical consultation. To begin with, it addresses the philosophical foundation of the mode of thinking in question. The Marxist Philosophy of Development lays the foundation for mode of thinking with the essence of Chinese tradition philosophy the origin and acceptable factors in the modern western philosophy the important reference. Secondly, it expounds the basic connotation of the abovementioned mode of thinking whose core idea is “people oriented”. The forms of thinking in the scientific development of thought include dialectical thinking, harmonious thinking as well as systematic thinking with “overall consideration” as the basic methods of thinking. In a word, the mode of thinking is a organized whole with “people oriented” as the core idea, “overall consideration” as the basic method, and dialectical thinking, harmonious thinking as well as systematic thinking as thinking forms. Thirdly, it analyzes the essential characteristics of the mode of thinking under discussion. It has five distinctive characteristics: practicality, scientificity, humanity, ope



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