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中文摘要 骆宾王的思想以儒家为宗而兼有侠义的一面。本文以他的诗文创作和生 平经历作为考察对象,在前人研究的基础上,力图较全面系统地探究骆宾王 的儒侠思想,及儒侠互补对他诗歌创作的影响。 本文主要分为以下几个部分: 第一、骆宾王的儒家思想。骆宾王有着强烈的功名意识和用世精神,是 以儒家的修身、齐家、治国、平天下作为政治理念的。但他的进退出处、接 人待物又流露出高标独立的人格和卓尔不群的节操。骆宾王的诗文创作有着 广泛的现实内容和深沉的人生感慨,恢复了诗歌创作重视社会讽喻功能的传 统,与六朝诗歌的虚弱柔靡不可同日而语。 第二、骆宾王的任侠精神。骆宾王少年好英侠,不屈节权贵,不迎合流 俗,显示出游侠浪漫不羁、独立不群的自由意识。在行为方式上,他与一般 的儒生有很大不同。他重交尚义,知恩图报。面对现实的困窘,他毅然投笔 从戎,到充满硝烟的边塞去夺取功名。面对执政者的残暴昏聩,他可以与王 权政治决裂,加入到武力抗暴的行列。 第三、骆宾王的儒侠互补的人格特质对其诗歌创作的影响。艺术诚然有 其自身发展的内在规律,但一代才子的造就必然与本人精神气质及思想观念 是息息相关的。骆宾王儒侠互补的精神特质影响其诗文内容和形式的选择, 进而影响其诗文风格和诗歌成就的形成。这种精神最典型的体现于骆宾王诗 歌豪放刚健的审美风貌和挥洒扬厉、不拘常规的七言歌行成就中。 关键词:骆宾王;儒家思想;任侠精神 Abstract Luo Bingwang’s ideas have the characteristics of both Confucianism and chivalry. In the thesis, the writer regards his poetry writing and life experiences as a study subject. On the basis of the previous study, this thesis tries to give an overall and systematic research on his ideas of Confucianism and chivalry, the impact of the interaction of the both on his poetry creation The thesis could be divided into four parts. First, it is on Luo Bingwang’s Confucianism. He has an intense sense of fame and the way of dealing with things based on Confucian cultivation, country and the world as a political concept. But the act whether he would like to have a government position or not, and the way he deals with the things and communicates with other people show his high standard of independent personality and principle. As Luo Bingwang’s works have ranges of real life and deep emotion, it has restored the ironic function of poetry reflecting society which is quite different from the extravagance in the Six Dynasty. Second, it explores the Luo Bingwang’s chivalry. As he is brave as a juvenile and does not cater to the worldly custom and not be obedient to dignitary, he is cultivated to the man full of romantics, freedom and unique characteristics. He pays more attention to the relationship between friends and shows more compassion and respect to the weak. He is of great difference f


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