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I I 摘 要 本文以民国时期第一届国会选举制度和选举实践作为研究对象,从整体上 把握民国时期第一届国会选举的真实过程,并对这一过程中制度与实践的互动 进行认真梳理,在对文献资料整理、筛选的基础上,使这一时期的国会选举以 真实的面貌展现出来。在此基础上,以马克思主义的历史唯物观对民国第一届 国会选举制度和选举实践进行全面、系统和深入的分析,对民国第一届国会选 举制度和实践进行客观评价。 全文共分四部分。 第一部分,议会思想和选举理念在中国的传播。主要介绍议会思想和选举 理念在中国传播的四个阶段,即作为“工具主义”的议会制度在晚清的介绍; 议会思想在中国的传播;议会思想在中国的嬗变和议会选举的设计;议会思想 和选举理念的实践。 第二部分,民国第一届国会选举制度。主要介绍民国第一届国会选举制度 中的选举资格、选举办法、选举管理。 第三部分,第一届国会议员选举实践及其评价。主要介绍选举中的具体操 作,包括户口普查与议员名额分配;投票中的乱象以及对选举活动的管理,并 对第一届国会议员选举实践评价。 第四部分,对民国第一届国会选举制度和选举实践的思考。主要从制度移 植的角度评析第一届国会选举制度。 结束语。 关键词: 民国;第一届国会;选举制度 II II Abstract In this thesis, the author takes the electoral system and electoral practice of the first Republican Congress as the research object, to get the real process of the first Republican congressional election from the overall perspective, furthermore to analyse and sort the process of interaction between the system and practice, based on literature data sorting, filtering, in order to show the true apperance of the congressional election during this period. On this basis, the author will apply a comprehensive, systematic and in-depth analysis on the electoral system and electoral practice of the First Congress of the Republic China from the perspective of the Marxist concept of historical materialism, so as to give an objective evaluation of this practice. This paper will be divided into four chapters. Chapter I, The spread of Parliamentary and election ideas in China. The author mainly introduces the four stages of the spread of the concept of Parliamentary elections in China. Namely, the introduction of the Parliamentary system as Instrumentalism in the late Qing Dynasty; the dissemination of the Council thought in China; the Evolution of Parliamentary concept in China; the design of parliamentary elections; the practice of Council thinking and the election idea. Chapter II, the Republic of China the First Parliament election system. Introduces the first Republican Congress elected in the electoral system status, method of election, the



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